(Hong Kong Comprehensive News) The Chinese investor, once one of the most active buyers in commercial real estate in the United States, sold a total of 31.7 billion US dollars (S $ 42.2 billion) from 2019 to 2023. It was the same period.The purchase amount is 15 times.

According to the Hong Kong South China Morning Post Sunday (March 10), data from MSCI Real ASSETS, the real estate analysis company of MSCI, also shows that the value of commercial real estate sold by Chinese investors in Australia and Japan is also higher than its purchase amount.

Analysts said that due to the deteriorating real estate crisis in China, some Chinese investors are anxious to sell their foreign real estate to obtain cash.

It is reported that Chinese investors' sales of commercial real estate were originally related to capital control from China from 2017 to 2018 and the set up of the loan limit at the end of 2020.However, in the Chinese real estate industry, a structural change in the real estate industry, the confidence of buyers' confidence, and continued to sell real estate.

Reports predict that in the current high interest rate environment, the sales trend of Chinese investors will continue and lead to the continued decline in US asset value.

The report released by the International Monetary Fund in January this year shows that since the Fed started in March 2022, the United States, as the world's largest commercial real estate market, housing prices have fallen by 11%.Essence