Taylor's Singapore government subsidy was held for six days concerts, but Hong Kong government officials said that the Hong Kong government officials will take the initiative to attack the international event in Hong Kong and may not need to dispatch the silver bomb policy.

Comprehensive Sing Tao.com and Hong Kong Commercial Radio reported that the Director of the Hong Kong Cultural and Sports and Tourism Bureau Yang Runxiong said on the radio program on the morning on Saturday (March 9) that holding a grand event can indeed drive the traffic of citizens and passengers to traffic, To generate direct economic benefits, but we cannot just evaluate the number and consumption of participating events, and also consider whether related events can enhance the reputation of Hong Kong's image and event capital, thereby attracting investors to Hong Kong.

He revealed that the Hong Kong Government is currently integrating the list of events and predictions to hold performing arts expo and the Greater Bay Area Art Festival in October this year.

In response to whether the Hong Kong government will follow Singapore to fight for the famous singer to start a concert in Hong Kong, Yang Runxiong said that there are different considerations in each place.The Hong Kong Government will take the initiative to take the initiative to actively fight for international events in Hong Kong. There is no need to compare them one by one.

He continued to say that in addition to considering tickets, local government funding, sponsorship and other income, the concert must also consider audiences and markets, not only economic considerations."Doing a event in other cities, we will be happy for them. There are different practices in each place. We have done a lot of good successful examples ... The concert is just one, but not the only one, Hong Kong has the ability to do other events other than concerts. "