Chinese first flight astronaut Yang Liwei told the Hong Kong media that mayThere will be one or two Hong Kong people who choose to enter the astronauts.

Yang Liwei, also a member of the CPPCC National Committee, said in the interview content published on Saturday (March 9) of the Hong Kong Business Daily that the selection work in the first half of this year can definitely end, but when the list is announced, it still needs to be officially waited for formal listing.The instructions, including mainland Chinese pilots, generally announced the list before performing the flight mission.

Yang Liwei also sent a saying of young people in Hong Kong, hoping that they can pay more attention to the development of China's national aerospace industry, and more young people can join the Chinese space team.

On the other hand, Yang Liwei said in an interview with the China Newspaper on Saturday that Shenzhou 17 astronauts can directly call his mobile phone, and he can see them in real time.

Yang Liwei said: "Now our communication is very developed, astronauts can call us at any time, and we can also watch aviation scenes at any time on our mobile phones, so it is now familiar to Aerospace.We can learn about work at any time, and we usually have some chats to relieve their work pressure."When they came back, I would go to the scene as much as possible to pick them up."

Three astronauts Tang Hongbo, Tang Shengjie, and Jiang Xinlin entered the China Space Station last October and are expected to return to Earth at the end of April.