The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government has recently legislated on Article 23 of the Basic Law. On Friday (March 8), the draft of the constitution of the Constitution of the Constitution proposed a rebellion and the crime of rebellion.Scholars believe that in recent years, China and the United States have fiercely games. The Hong Kong Government is understandable for 23 legislations, but at the same time, it is necessary to strengthen the international explanation work.

There are 212 pages of the draft maintenance of the National Security Regulations, which are divided into nine parts, including "rebellion", "rebellion incite and rebellion, and the actions with incitement", "crimes related to national secrets and espionage activities"," Destruction of National Security "and so on.

According to the draft, the crime of rebellion and the crime of rebellion can be sentenced to life imprisonment once he was convicted; publicly shows that the crime of guilty of the rebellion can be sentenced to 14 years;Forces, the prison can be sentenced to 10 years.

As for illegal disclosure of state secrets, it can be sentenced to 10 years, and at the same time, the exemption of "public interest" can be stated, but the condition is that the relevant disclosure involves seriously affecting the government's enforcement functions in accordance with the law, or the constituent of public order, public safety or public health compositionserious threat.

In addition, people engaged in espionage will endanger national security. Once the public prosecution procedure is convicted, it can be imprisoned for 20 years.

After the Hong Kong Government was published in 23 drafts on Friday, the Legislative Council quickly passed the first reading and second reading of the Legislative Council on the morning.

According to the procedure, in the process, members have the right to request the government to explain or revise it.When the committee is reviewed, it will return to the Legislative Council Conference to restore the second reading. The last three -reading voting will officially become the law.

Many Hong Kong media have recently quoted sources, saying that officials expect to complete legislation before mid -April.However, Liang Junyan, chairman of the Legislative Council, said on Friday that Article 23 legislation did not review the dead line, but the Hong Kong government and the Legislative Council completed the legislation as soon as possible to ensure that national security can be effectively maintained as soon as possible.

Deng Bingqiang, director of the Security Bureau of the Hong Kong Government, also said that Hong Kong has been seriously threatened by national security. At present, geopolitics are more complex and changeable.The Hong Kong Government must block the gap in national security. The legislation is completed in one day, and the risk of national security threats is less than one day.

Many political parties in Hong Kong have stated that they fully support the draft submitted by the Hong Kong government and fully implement the 23 legislation of the Basic Law.The Democratic Construction Federation described the writing of the provisions carefully and clearly, a lot of reference to the legislative experience of other ordinary law countries, and considering the actual needs of Hong Kong to effectively maintain the status and business environment of Hong Kong's international financial center.

The Hong Kong Ming Pao quoted news on Friday that the Hong Kong government once used June to complete the goal of legislation and intends to start reading after the two sessions.During the two nationwide conferences in China, the Hong Kong Executive Council and the Legislative Council also took a meeting.However, after the central government's request to legislate as soon as possible, the Hong Kong Government suddenly "drove express".

Chen Weiqiang, a lecturer of Hong Kong University of Technology Hong Kong Specialty College, said in an interview with Lianhe Zaobao that the Chinese and American games have been fierce in recent years. Western countries have targeted China on the grounds of national security."Hong Kong has always been a popular city in Western countries to collect Chinese intelligence. Officials need to tighten relevant laws accordingly to ensure national security."

Chen Weiqiang pointed out that many Western companies have doubts about 23 articles and are worried that the Hong Kong Government should strengthen explaining to them and remove their doubts.