For the outside world that Hong Kong will hold a high cost and less return of fireworks and drone performances every month, and does not meet the cost benefits.Express interested sponsorship.

Chen Maobo published a blog on Sunday (March 3), saying that in response to the transformation of the people and passenger consumption models, Hong Kong's fiscal budget this year through a series of different measures hopes to create more unique tourism tourismThe highlights, in addition to allowing visitors to Hong Kong and the public to have a better planning itinerary, they also hope that they will have a richer and more diverse tourist experience, "staying longer, consumption will be greater."

Chen Maobo also mentioned that various event activities or large forums held in Hong Kong, whether it is a monthly drone and fireworks performance, or the theme deep tour or other authentic events.It is believed that it can bring richer and more exciting experiences for participating people or travelers at home and abroad.

However, the online media "Hong Kong 01" reported that the fireworks and drone performances were held every month, which was questioned by the outside world.In this regard, Chen Maobo said in the webstone that in the past few days, some groups have expressed interest in sponsorship of drones or fireworks performances as part of their propaganda plans; some catering and retailers have stated that they are actively preparing a new round of rounds.Publicity activities, I hope to hurry up with these points to strengthen promotion.

Sing Tao Daily reported that Chen Maobo also said on a TV show that drone and fireworks performances are not an independent project.The cooperation of retail has confidence in the creativity of Hong Kong people.

He emphasized that drones and fireworks performances will change themes every season. I believe that the beautiful port and background of Victoria Harbor is difficult to be copied by other places, which can attract high -quality passengers.