In recent years, a large number of funds and talents have left Hong Kong. The Hong Kong government has decided to restore a investment immigration plan from Friday (March 1), hoping to attract more overseas funds to invest in Hong Kong.

Xu Zhengyu, director of the Hong Kong Financial Affairs and Treasury Bureau, said on Friday that since the details of the plan were announced in December last year, the official has held multiple briefings for financial intermediary agencies, family office service providers, and international chamber of commerce.Attracting high -assets from all over the world, including high assets such as the Middle East and Southeast Asia, are interested in new plans.

Xu Zhengyu pointed out that the design of the new plan reflects the comprehensive market, covering banks, securities, funds and other assets.The reaction will be good.

Xu Zhengyu also said that another immigration plan launched by the Hong Kong Government -Gao Caitong Plan involves personal income and education level requirements. The new plan is targeted at capital investment.Department stores should be Baike, different roads give different people. "

Under this "new capital investor entry plan", qualified applicants must invest at least 30 million Hong Kong dollars (S $ 5.15 million) at the promised investment asset.The approved applicants can bring their adopted people (including spouses and unmarried children under 18 years of age) to Hong Kong. They can generally be allowed to stay in Hong Kong for two years.At the expiration of each three -year period, you can apply for an extended period of three years.If they live in Hong Kong for no less than seven years, they can apply to become a permanent resident of Hong Kong in accordance with the law.

Xu Zhengyu emphasized that there are many characteristics of new capital investors' entry plans, including the required investment quota to be 30 million Hong Kong dollars, including the new "capital investor entry plan investment portfolio" invested 3 million Hong Kong dollars, and the remaining 27 million Hong Kong dollarsYou can choose to invest in non -residential properties at 10 million Hong Kong dollars, or all put in financial assets.

The investment of new plans does not include residential properties, Xu Zhengyu explains to avoid affecting the property market.He said: "Housing is very associated with people's livelihood. If (investment portfolio) join the house, it will have a certain impact on other markets, especially the property market. It must be considered in people's livelihood (to this)."

Scholars: Hong Kong Government must ensure that national security is mostly unique in Hong Kong overseas

The Hong Kong Investment Fund Association believes that the implementation of the "New Capital Investors Entry Plan" is the expansion of investors' foundations for various financial products such as Hong Kong and insurance, strengthening the brand of Hong Kong financial products, and greatly promoting the financial industry, including fundsThe development of the industry.

However, Li Zhaobo, a honorary teaching and research person in the Asia -Pacific Business Institute of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, believes that in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post, the Hong Kong economy has not performed well in recent years, the stock market and property market are poor, and the investment prospects are general.Apply.

He pointed out that if the official wants to improve the attractiveness of the plan in the eyes of foreigners, it is necessary to promote the unique culture of Hong Kong overseas on the basis of ensuring national security, especially for some foreign Hong Kong people with international backgrounds.Assist in promotion.