US Consul General in Hong Kong Gregory MayRefers to the increasing tightening of the Internet for the Internet, and it is tending to mainland China.

Mei Ruui said in an exclusive interview with Bloomberg on Thursday (February 29) that Hong Kong's network connection and data security issues have prompted some American company executives to use disposable mobile phones and notebooks when visiting Hong

Mei Ruirui said that Hong Kong began to go downhill and try to delete certain contents of the Internet or block some websites.

He said that the United States "of course hopes to establish a better relationship with Hong Kong, we only need Hong Kong to stop sliding down", that is, stop restricting freedom."Although we hope that the economic relations between the two parties will continue to maintain a good situation, frankly speaking, the priority of the priority to deal with the affairs is more politically."

to improve the image of Hong Kong, Mei Rui believes that if we can we canLi Zhiying, the founder of One Media, and other people who are facing prisons due to political speech incidents, will be greater than the financial summit and Hong Kong tourism promotion activities.

Bloomberg said that the interview was issued by the US State Department for several hours after the US State Department issued a statement of 23 legislations of the Hong Kong Basic Law.

Mei Ruui refused to disclose what actions Washington will take after the Passenger 23 legislation passed by the Basic Law, but he revealed that the U.S. government's active decision to participate in the relevant consultation activities and believe that this should be by Hong Kong should be by Hong Kong.Citizens provide feedback.

He also said that he believes that Hong Kong still has important business advantages.As long as the Hong Kong Government complies with a high degree of autonomy and 50 years of unchanged promises in the Sino -British joint statement, the relationship between Hong Kong and the United States may improve.