Lu Wenduan, vice chairman of the China Overseas Chinese Federation, said that a new financial budget in Hong Kong decisively proposed to comprehensively revoke the cooling measures of the property market (withdrawal) because it received support from Beijing Central Committee.

Lu Wenduan wrote on the Ming Pao in Hong Kong on Friday (March 1) that the Hong Kong government has different opinions on the comprehensive "withdrawal" or partial "withdrawal" in the Hong Kong government, but the budget decides to "withdraw"."Although the SAR government led by Li Jiachao's first decision, I believe it has also received the support of the central government."

Lu Wenduan wrote that the Beijing Central Government knows that real estate is the pillar industry of the Hong Kong economy. It is improving the economic development of Hong Kong and directly affects the status of Hong Kong's international financial center.

Lu Wenduan also mentioned that Xia Baolong, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Hong Kong and Macao Office of the Communist Party of China and the Hong Kong and Macau Office of the State Council, who has just ended in Hong Kong, chose to announce the budget and basic law of the Basic Law in the Hong Kong Government.Hong Kong is not an accidental coincidence, but is particularly targeted.

He believes that Hong Kong is currently on the two prominent topics: Article 23 of the Basic Law of the Basic Law and the development of economic conspiracy.The former is "the weight of Guoan", and the latter is "the key to the economy."Judging from the overall process of the inspection, although Xia Baolong also attaches importance to 23 legislation listening to opinions, but the focus is on the economy. Among the groups, foreign businessmen and other business circles are the most important. Most of the speech content involves the economic level.

He wrote that 23 legislations form a wide consensus in Hong Kong society, and intervention and attacks from outside are also less than expected. Completing 23 legislations does not have an obstacle to it.Still facing many difficulties, the society is most concerned about the economy, and I also look forward to getting the strong support from the central government.