香港特首李家超将于下星期一(3月4th) to Beijing to attend the opening meeting of the National People's Congress of China.

The Hong Kong Government News Communist Party announced the above news on Saturday (March 2).

According to the communiqué, the Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao went to Beijing on March 4 to attend the second meeting meeting of the 14th National People's Congress held on March 5.Ye Wenjuan, director of the Chief Executive's Office, will accompany him.

During Beijing, Li Jiachao will visit the Central Ministries to enhance exchanges and cooperation.He will also witness the Hong Kong Horse Racing Association with the National Health and Health Commission and the Hong Kong Medical and Health Bureau on strengthening the training of health talents and the development of local infectious diseases and response to the project signing cooperation documents.Xu Zhengyu, director of the Hong Kong Economic Affairs and Treasury Bureau, and Lu Chongmao, director of the Medical and Health Bureau, will participate in the relevant itinerary.

Li Jiachao returned to Hong Kong on March 6.During his departure, Chen Guoji, the director of the Hong Kong Department of Administration, Chen Guoji.

According to the Radio of Hong Kong, due to the representative of the National People's Congress of the Hong Kong District and a member of the Executive Council of the CPPCC National Committee of the Hong Kong District, the National Congress of China will be held in Beijing. The Executive Council will be held in Beijing.The day and March 12 were suspended until March 19th.