The Hong Kong Department of Justice will organize a group to Saudi Arabia to participate in the International Controversy Week for the first time to promote Hong Kong's dispute resolution services.

According to the Hong Kong News Agency, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government announced that Zhang Guojun, deputy director of the Department of Justice, will lead the legal industry delegation to Saudi Arabia on Monday (March 4) to participate in the first Liyon international disputeOn the week, the promotion of laws and disputes in Hong Kong to resolve services, and strengthen exchanges and cooperation between Hong Kong and related regions.

This is the first time that the Department of Justice led a delegation to the Middle East to attend the international dispute resolution.The members of the delegation include the Hong Kong Lawyers Association, the Hong Kong Bar Association and the controversy to resolve the industry representatives.

It is reported that during the Liyad International Dispute Week, the Hong Kong International Arbitration Center will hold a special event and lunch meeting. Zhang Guojun was invited to give a speech and attend the third international meeting held by the Saudi Saudi Merchants Arbitration Center.He will also visit an international law firm in the local offices to strengthen exchanges and cooperation between the two places.