Hong Kong media sources said that Evergrande's founder Xu Jiayin was taken over at the mansion at the top of Hong Kong, and the bidding for bidding was sold while Hong Kong fully revoked the cooling measures of the property market, with a valuation of about 500 million Hong Kong dollars ($ 86 million).

Comprehensive Hong Kong Sing Tao Daily Economic Daily and Bloomberg reported that Li Weiwen, Chief Executive CEO of the first Taiping Davis David David David David David, said in an email statement that it was commissioned by the host, the exclusive agent bidding biddingThe sale of Hong Kong Buli Temple No. 10 E -house was sold, and the bidding for bidding was over on April 22.

Li Weifeen said that the property is a three -story independent mansion with a private garden and indoor lift, with a practical area of ​​about 4933 square feet.It is reported that this luxury home market is valued at about 500 million Hong Kong dollars, with more than 100,000 Hong Kong dollars per feet.

Xu Jiayin purchased three luxury homes in Buli in Hong Kong, including House No. 10, House C and House E.After Evergrande fell into a liquidity dilemma, House B was taken over by the debt agent at the end of 2022. At that time, the market value was about 880 million Hong Kong dollars, and then the receiver commissioned the agent to sell it.It has been reduced to the French Shooting House.

It is reported that Xu Jiayin mortgaged House No. 10 of Buli Trail and House E to the financial company Olix, plus two offshore companies for guarantee, a total of HK $ 821 million, one of which and his ex -wife Ding YumeiRelated.

Li Weifeen said that the latest fiscal budget announced "full withdrawal". After the three major stamp duties were canceled, buyers who did not hold the Hong Kong permanent resident ID card were reduced from 15%to the minimum of 4.25%.Taking Super luxury homes as an example, buyers purchase taxes that can save tens of millions of yuan, and believe that it can attract more buyers to pursue.