The Hong Kong government has revoked the "hot recruitment" of the property market. Chen Maobo, director of the Hong Kong Financial Secretary, said that if the market conditions have changed, they can be introduced at any time.

Comprehensive Ming Daily and Sing Tao Daily reported that Chen Maobo said on Thursday (February 29) to attend the radio broadcast program that it was believed that the transaction volume of the property market would rise after the withdrawal of the spicy market. After the property market stabilized, the developer will addFor land reserves, government land sales income will also rise, and confidence to achieve the goal of balance of income and expenditure.

被问到是否担心楼价再次大升,脱离市民负担能力时,陈茂波说:“要是因为市场情况转变又需要引入,随时可以做。”他说,在正常情况下,Let the market develop freely.

I was asked if the market conditions were still not satisfactory after the full withdrawal, and whether the government had no tricks to come out. Chen Maobo responded that the spicy recruitment was in specific situations, such as the full -scale speculation atmosphere and insufficient supply volume.Wait, this situation no longer exists, and the government will watch how the market reacts closely.

Hong Kong's property prices have fallen by more than 20 %, and the negative impact on the economy has gradually emerged.The Hong Kong government announced on Wednesday that the additional restrictions on all residential property transactions were stimulated to stimulate the sluggish property market.