Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao quoted Xia Baolong, director of the Hong Kong and Macao Work Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and director of the Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office of the State Council, emphasized that more policies for the Hong Kong -benefit Hong Kong policy will come one after another.Enjoy the rights and freedom of speech, rally.

Xia Baolong ended on Wednesday (February 28) that ended in a seven -day investigation and survey in Hong Kong and returned to mainland China.Li Jiachao accompanied Xia Baolong to inspect the operation of the Shenzhen Bay Port on the same day, and met with reporters after sending off Xia Baolong at the port.

According to the full text of the official website of the SAR Government's News Governor's official website, Li Jiachao quoted Xia Baolong's words that the central government firmly supports the protection of the well -being of the SAR residents in accordance with the law, and firmly supports the protection of the property and investment in the SAR in accordance with the law.It firmly supports the protection and stability of Hong Kong in accordance with the law.

Xia Baolong also emphasized that the central government has firmly supported the SAR government to protect the international conventions of the International Convention on the Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in accordance with the basic law of citizens and political rights in accordance with the law.Publishing, associated, rally, parade, demonstration and other rights and freedoms.

Li Jiachao believes that at the beginning of the year of the dragon, Xia Baolong went to Hong Kong to investigate and investigate, convey the care and love of Chinese President Xi Jinping to Hong Kong society, and convey the central government's care for Hong Kong and the economic development and regional governance of Hong Kong.Handle expectations, also released information, showing that the central government will continue to launch a policy of benefiting from Hong Kong, which has played a positive role in boosting the new stage and new development in Hong Kong."Director Xia also said that more policy of beneficiaries will come one after another."