Chen Maobo, director of the Hong Kong Financial Secretary, said that the Hong Kong Government proposed to build Hong Kong into a vision of international green technology and financial centers last year. Hong Kong will seize the opportunity of green transformation and become a global leader.

According to the Hong Kong Government's bulletin, Chen Maobo delivered the above speech on Monday (February 26) at the opening ceremony of the Hong Kong Green Week and the Hong Kong Green Technology Forum 2024.

He introduced that after the opening of the Hong Kong Green Week on the day, 18 different forums and activities will be held for six consecutive days, including the Hong Kong Green Technology Forum 2024.The Hong Kong Green Week event will attract more than 5,000 participants from dozens of regions.The Hong Kong Government expects to take this opportunity to establish an interactive platform for cross -domain and cross -border to promote exchanges and cooperation between green technology and financial development.

Chen Maobo said that countries around the world are trying to promote green low -carbon transformation. This trend is fundamentally changing the development model of human past development and ignoring social costs.Taking clean energy as an example, it is estimated that the global investment in the world last year is estimated to reach 1700 billion US dollars (about S $ 2285.7 billion), which has exceeded the upstream industry of oil for the first time.

He pointed out that the global green development space is extremely huge, and Hong Kong will never be absent in this tide.Therefore, the Hong Kong Government put forward the vision of building Hong Kong into an international green technology and financial center in the financial budget last year. Hong Kong wants to become a leader and seize the opportunity brought by the green transformation.

Chen Maobo mentioned that the above vision includes three key elements: technology, finance and internationalization. Hong Kong has certain advantages in these three aspects.

He said that as an international financial center, Hong Kong not only leads Asia in terms of green financing, but also has a complete capital chain.Period financing demand.

He said that Hong Kong's scientific research capabilities have been recognized by the world. Hong Kong universities have cultivated a group of young entrepreneurs who love green and dare to innovate at the beginning of the beginning of their products. Some of their products have opened up markets at home and abroad.From green fintech to green agriculture, from circular economy to carbon capture technology, these companies have provided rich and creative solutions for all aspects of green transformation and development.

Chen Maobo finally pointed out that Hong Kong has the unique status and advantages of "back to the motherland and the world of Unicom", and has very good conditions to become a green super contact person.The complete capital and industry chain allows green projects and funds in various places to be highly paired.