When the Hong Kong Government conducts public consultation on the legislation of Article 23 of the Basic Law, a poll in Hong Kong shows that nearly 60%of the people interviewed in Hong Kong tend to support 23 legislation.

Comprehensive Sing Tao Daily reported that the polls issued by the Hong Kong Public Observation Research Center showed that 67.9%of the people interviewed Hong Kong citizens in favor of maintaining national security is the constitutional responsibility of the Hong Kong government, of which 47.7%expressed their favor.

The polls also pointed out that 59.7%of the respondents tend to support 23 legislation, of which 47.4%expressed their support for this, and about 32%of those who do not support or do not support legislation.

In addition, 57.1%of the respondents tend to support the freedom of news and speech to establish legal norms under the premise of maintaining national security, and 31.8%of the disapproval.Another 61.2%of the respondents believe that 23 legislation will not have an impact on normal editing work.

Following the promulgation of the Hong Kong National Security Law in 2020, the Hong Kong Government also launched the public consultation of Article 23 of the Basic Law on January 30 this year.Acts that endanger national security.Scholars of interviewees believe that the current political atmosphere in Hong Kong is different from 2003. I believe that 23 Legislative Council is smooth when trying legislation 21 years ago.