Yu Weiwen, president of the Hong Kong Financial Administration, said that climate change is a major challenge facing the world, and the Asia -Pacific region is playing a key role in response to this challenge.The priority is to promote climate finance in the Asia -Pacific region to promote the goal of transforming to a low -carbon economy.

Yu Weiwen wrote on Monday (February 26) on the official website of the Financial Management Bureau, and made the above expression.

He pointed out that the highly dense population and its geographical location make the Asia -Pacific region vulnerable to the rise of sea level and extreme weather events. Therefore, it is necessary to take instant operations to establish sufficient toughness and response capabilities.

Yu Weifeen said that although many countries in Asia have already accelerated the use of slow reduction and adaptation, it is estimated that the climate -related investment amount that needs to be put in the overall area in the next 30 years will be as high as US $ 66 trillion (about 880,000100 million yuan).Therefore, the priority is to promote climate finance in the Asia -Pacific region to promote the goal of transforming to the low -carbon economy.

He mentioned that as the main international financial center and green financial hub in Asia, Hong Kong has always played the role of bridge, guided international investment to different sustainable development projects in Asia, and supported green transformation in the zone.The total green and sustainable bonds issued in Hong Kong account for more than one -third of the Asian market.Hong Kong is the first area that requires related industries to make climate -related disclosure in 2025 or before. It is also the first market implementation of the common green classification catalog formally formulated by mainland China and the European Union, which aims to promote cross -border climate capital.

Yu Weifeen introduced that the HKMA will co -organize the Asia -Pacific Climate Business Forum (Climate Business Forum) with the International Financial Corporation from February 26th to 28th. As the focus of Hong Kong Green Week, the forum invites 300Several top decision makers in the global business and financial sector attended.According to the two themes of "dealing with challenges, exploration solutions" and "financing plan and prospecting future", the leadership of global enterprises, government agencies, academia, and financial institutions will in -depth topics and urgent issues in the tour of green transformation, such as the key and urgent issues, such asEnergy transformation, carbon reduction, building green energy -saving transformation and green technology.