Chen Maobo, the director of Hong Kong Financial Secretary, took the initiative to expose the financial budget this year's financial budget this year's budgetThe light orange speech cover of the case explained that the color reflected the expectations of Hong Kong's continued improvement in the operating environment of various industries.

Chen Maobo wrote on the blog on Sunday (February 25) that the choice of color tone of the cover of the annual budget contains the expectations of Hong Kong in the next year."We expect the economy will gradually improve this year, and we also expect the operating environment of all walks of life to continue to improve. The cover color of this year's fiscal budget reflects this expectation."

Chen Maobo thanked all walks of life for providing provision during the budget consultation period.Many valuable opinions allow Hong Kong officials to better understand what the people are currently concerned about, and say that in the face of fiscal deficit, when using limited public resources, I hope to focus more and more beneficial.

He believes that Hong Kong has gone out of the crown disease epidemic in the past year, and life has gradually recovered, and the economic recovery has increased, but the peripherals are still complex and changeable.The geopolitical situation continues to be tight, the interest rates are high, and the uncertainty and uncertain factors are intertwined, which affects the intensity of economic growth.

Chen Maobo said: "But in any case, the country's economy has developed steadily, and its support for Hong Kong is solid. Hong Kong has a unique position and functions in the country's overall development.. We have to turn the opportunity into a result. "

The photos uploaded by Chen Maobo showed that he held the cover of 2024 to 25 fiscal budget.There are also covers the cover of 2023 to 24 fiscal budget documents, and the color is light red.

Hong Kong will issue a new budget on Wednesday (February 28).