The steps of recovery after the tourism industry in Hong Kong are slow, and the Chinese government may recently expand the list of free cities in Hong Kong and Macau.Hong Kong media quoted sources as a report that in the first stage, two cities in Qingdao and Xi'an were first added, and it is expected that other mainland cities will be added later.

Comprehensive Sing Tao Daily and Hong Kong Economic Daily reported that the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government proposed to increase the number of mainland tourists to Hong Kong. It is reported that the central government has actively responded.It is reported that the expansion of Hong Kong's free travel will be announced as soon as Friday (February 23) that the first stage of Qingdao and Xi'an will be added. It is expected that other mainland cities will be added later.

Sources said that Qingdao has developed rapidly in recent years. Last year, GDP's target growth rate was about 5.5%. It is one of the richer northern mainland cities. It is believed that passengers to Hong Kong will help Hong Kong consumption and hotel market.

The news stimulated, Hong Kong's retail shares rose, and the daily chemical retail Salsa continued to rise the day before, and then rose 5.2%to 1.01 yuan (Hong Kong dollars, about S $ 0.19).

At present, residents in 49 cities in mainland China can travel to Hong Kong through free administrative policies, mainly in provincial capital cities in first -tier cities and economic and developed areas.Mainland residents who are not in these 49 cities must report to the tour group to Hong Kong.

The Hong Kong Cultural and Sports and Tourism Director Yang Runxiong said on Thursday that mainland China is still the most important source of passengers in Hong Kong, maintaining 80 % of the total passenger volume, and play a pivotal role in Hong Kong's tourism industry.