The director of the Hong Kong and Macau Work Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the director of the Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office of the State Council of the State Council, Xia Baolong Sunday (February 25) conducted a survey and investigation in Hong Kong on the fourth day to meet with people from Hong Kong legal circles.After the meeting of the Hong Kong Law Fighter Association, Du Yan said that he reported to Xia Baolong that the provisions of Article 23 of the Hong Kong Basic Law must maintain both the national security and the right to balance the rights of the citizens by the Basic Law.

The Hong Kong Government issued a communiqué on Sunday that Xia Baolong was accompanied by Lin Dingguo, the director of the Hong Kong Department of Justice, and Zhang Guojun, deputy director of the Law Department to conduct discussions and work lunch with the representatives of the Hong Kong Lawyer Association and the Hong Kong Lawyer Association.Yes, listen to opinions.

Comprehensive Hong Kong Ming Pao and the Internet media "Hong Kong 01" reported that this meeting was about two hours. Du Yan, chairman of the Hong Kong Lawyer Association, and Chen Zeming, president of the Hong Kong Lawyer Association, met with reporters.

Du Yan said that at the meeting, he mentioned to Xia Baolong that the Lawyer Association will submit 23 legislation to the Hong Kong government, saying that there may be different opinions on 23 articles in the society.And freedom of speech.He also said that he reported to Xia Baolong 23 legislation In addition to maintaining Guoan, he also to balance the rights of citizens to be protected by the Basic Law.

When asked about Xia Baolong's response to the legislative opinions of 23, Du Yan said that he was not convenient to comprehensively quote the content of the closed -door meeting. Only the central government attaches great importance to the view of the legal community.Xia Baolong listened very patiently.

Chen Zeming said that the meeting reflected the opinions of the central government's emphasis on the legal community of Hong Kong and affirmed Hong Kong as a society in the rule of law.

According to the Hong Kong Government's bulletin, Zeng Guowei, the director of the Hong Kong Political Affairs and Mainland Affairs Bureau, said in the launching ceremony and awards ceremony of the "Guoan Jiaxia" community promotion series activities at the Kowloon Society "Guoan Jiahao" community promotion.Only by jointly safeguarding the sovereignty, security, and development benefits of the country can Hong Kong be able to govern for a long time, maintain long -term prosperity and stability, and citizens can gain a sense of security and happiness.

He pointed out that the legislation of Article 23 of the Basic Law is Hong Kong's constitutional responsibility, and it is also to improve the legal system and implementation mechanism of maintaining the national security."I hope that everyone can fully support this legislation, so that we can complete the constitutional responsibility as soon as possible, and set up a solid national security barrier for Hong Kong to better maintain national security."