Director of the Central Hong Kong and Macau Work Office and director of the Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office of the State Council, Xia Baolong, continued to inspect in Hong Kong on Friday (February 23).He reiterated during a discussion with Hong Kong entrepreneurship representatives that day that the realization of Hong Kong from governing and promoting all sectors of the society and the development of all sectors of society. Hong Kong entrepreneurs have the spirit of hard work with Hong Kong.Administration in accordance with the law, using practical actions to make new and greater contributions to the development of Hong Kong and national construction.

Comprehensive Network Media "Hong Kong 01", China News Agency and Sing Tao Daily reported that Xia Baolong said at the symposium that Hong Kong entrepreneurs have the responsibility and responsibility and responsibility of enthusiastic social affairs with Hong Kong.Actively participating in the patriotic feelings of national construction have played an important role in maintaining prosperity and stability in Hong Kong and the process of national reform and opening up.

He said that the central government has long adhered to the "one country, two systems" policy, attaches great importance to the unique status and advantages of Hong Kong, and will continue to support Hong Kong's development as usual.I hope that everyone will strengthen their confidence, carry forward the fine traditions, and actively support the administrative Chief Executive and the SAR Government to administer according to law, and use practical actions to make new and greater contributions to the development of Hong Kong and national construction.

It is reported that Xia Baolong mainly listened at the meeting and did not respond to his speech one by one.In order to talk about relevant legislative issues, and reiterate Hong Kong to maintain internationalization, and the central government fully supports Hong Kong.

Xia Baolong followed on Friday with the Hong Kong business community, including real estate developers, the food industry and other representatives, and after dinner, on Saturday (24th), in the morning of Saturday (24), Mai Mei, the director of the youth and the Civil Affairs Bureau of Hong KongJuan and Deputy Director Liang Hongzheng accompanied him to a restaurant and left the restaurant with the citizens for nearly a half hours.He waved to the media before leaving and worshiped everyone.