(Beijing / Hong Kong Comprehensive News) China has announced the expansion of the list of free traveling cities in Hong Kong and Macao. Since March 6, residents of Xi'an and Qingdao can apply for personal travel to Hong Kong and Macao.Yang Runxiong, director of the Hong Kong Cultural, Sports and Tourism Administration, said that this will have a positive role in the development of Hong Kong's tourism industry.

According to the news released by the China Immigration Administration on Friday (February 23) in the WeChat public account, the State Council of China recently approved the increase in the addition of Xi'an and Shandong Qingdao City in Shaanxi.The China Entry -Exit Administration has decided that since March 6 this year, Hong Kong and Macao "Personal Tourist Note" has been issued in Xi'an and Qingdao to meet eligible personnel.

Hong Kong Sing Tao Daily quoted sources as saying that the Hong Kong Government proposed to increase the number of mainland tourists to Hong Kong and was actively responding to the central government. In the first stage, Qingdao and Xi'an cities are expected to be added.

According to Radio Hong Kong, after the official announcement of the expansion of Hong Kong and Macau's free travel cities, Yang Runxiong said that there are more than 10 million people in Xi'an and Qingdao.Benefit Hong Kong hotels and retail related industries.

Yang Runxiong pointed out that in 2018, individual tourists accounted for more than 60%of the number of travelers visiting Hong Kong, which is an important force to drive the business of Hong Kong's tourism -related industries.

Mainland China has gradually opened some cities to travel to Hong Kong and Macao since 2003. By 2007, a total of 49 mainland cities opened residents to Hong Kong and Macau for personal tour.With the addition of Xi'an and Qingdao, the applicable cities in China to Hong Kong and Macao's personal tour plan have increased to 51.