The Hong Kong Legislative Council members believe that the Hong Kong government often attaches great importance to the comments of the people in mainland China, but the opinions of Hong Kong citizens have not received the same attention, and it is easy to make people feel the perception of "Little Red Book Governance Hong Kong".

Comprehensive Ming Pao and the Internet media "Hong Kong 01" reported that Hong Kong Legislative Councilor Xie Weijun Xie Weijun quoted the public's opinion on Wednesday (January 17) that the Hong Kong government was facing the comments of Hong Kong netizens in mainland China to Hong Kong.At that time, it is often attached to it, but the opinions of Hong Kong citizens have not received the same attention.

Xie Weijun for example. When Cathay Pacific's crew made disrespectful words and deeds on mainland China, Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jia super high -profile response said that the incident "hurt the feelings of Hong Kong and mainland compatriots";Polite treatment, the Hong Kong government immediately encouraged the industry to promote polite activities; after the countdown of the New Year's Eve, a large number of mainland tourists stayed on the streets of Hong Kong, and the Hong Kong Government immediately held a cross -departmental meeting to develop measures to respond quickly.

In contrast, Xie Weijun said that many Hong Kong citizens demanded that during the period of economic downturn, the Hong Kong government would supply strong accumulation, implement tax refund, "withdrawal", reduced printing taxes, leased on their own residential property land,2. Increase public dental services to provide root canal treatment for grassroots citizens, but have not been able to get official attention and response, it is easy to make people have the perception of this, and even the "Xiaohongshu Governance Hong Kong".

Zeng Guowei, director of the Hong Kong Political Affairs and Mainland Affairs Bureau, responded that when considering formulating various policies and measures, the Hong Kong government has always adhered to the "people -oriented" policy concept, and listened to the demands and opinions from all walks of life through different channels.Regardless of the opinions on Hong Kong in Hong Kong or mainland China, the Hong Kong Government attaches equal attention.

He also said that the Hong Kong Government Office and the News Affairs Office have always paid attention to the reports and opinions of Hong Kong affairs in mainland China and social platforms, and responded when needed, and referred to them to referringRelevant policy bureaus and departments follow up.