A man in Hong Kong wearing a top of "Restore Hong Kong, Times Revolution" at the airport was sentenced to three months in prison.

Comprehensive Sing Tao Daily and Hong Kong Radio reported that the defendant Zhu Qibang had previously acknowledged to make one or more incitement diagrams as a charges.Essence

The reported defendant was charged with a top and publicly displayed on November 27 last year, which intended to cause hatred or contempt for the central government or/or the Hong Kong government or stimulated the rebellion and stimulated it.Hong Kong residents attempt to change other matters in accordance with the law in accordance with legal channels, incite others to use violence or counsel others to obey or obey legal orders.

In addition, he was charged with inciting publications at the airport boarding gate, that is, three flags and one top.

The judge pointed out that the defendant acknowledged that he had split Hong Kong to split Hong Kong from China. The defendant supported the behavior of demonstrators in the 2019 social incident to destroy social tranquility and had to scare him to prevent illegal law from illegal law.The thoughts were dead, and the above judgment was made.

"Restore Hong Kong, the Revolution of Times" is a common slogan of demonstrators during the anti -repair period in 2019. After the Hong Kong National Security Law officially took effect on June 30, 2020, the Hong Kong Government issued a statement that the slogan will be there.Hong Kong is separated from China and subverts the meaning of state power.