For the abuse of the emergency room that cares about the society, Lu Chongmao, director of the Hong Kong Medical and Health Bureau, said that he plans to review the charges in the form of "can be reduced".

According to the Hong Kong News Agency, Lu Chongmao said on Wednesday (January 10) that the most urgent crisis and emergency patients can be lower than the current level of HK $ 180 (about S $ 31), and timesUrgent and non -emergency patient fees are raised to the level of family doctors.

He said that the emergency rooms in Hong Kong have not been adjusted for many years. During the review process, the citizens will consider the ability of citizens to bear the ability and resource allocation.

Lu Chongmao pointed out that the cost of emergency rooms is more expensive than the general outpatient clinic, but some people only go to the emergency room for reasons such as raw acne. They hope that the citizens can understand that the emergency room is not used to deal with mildness.

Lu Chongmao said that the abuse of emergency rooms will crack down on medical nurses and specialty training in the emergency room. The waste of resources that areted due to abuse are not that the government continues to increase medical expenses.It continues.

The cost of emergency rooms in Hong Kong public hospitals has not increased in nearly seven years.Ming Pao previously quoted sources that the Hong Kong Government was initially researched to increase the fees in order to combat abuse, and hoped to maintain public medical expenditure sustainability in the long run.