The first election after the Hong Kong Council system was reshaped, and the Hong Kong and Macau Office of the State Council of China congratulated the Hong Kong and Macau Office of the State Council of China, and said that the reshaping district council system was supported by the institutional support of Hong Kong's Zengzhi and Xiu Xing.

Hong Kong Sunday (December 10) held the district council election. There were more than 1.193 million votes in the local direct elections, with a total voting rate of 27.54%; direct election seats were reduced from 452 to 88.

The Hong Kong and Macau Office of the State Council issued a document on the same day, congratulating the successful holding of the election and the district councilors, and said that Hong Kong reshaped the district council in a timely manner to form a complete system for the construction of the relevant political system of "Patriot Governing Hong Kong".It is of great significance to the continuous development of Hong Kong to the rule.

The article also said that the "full show of new weather" in the Hong Kong Council election is a fair, fair, warm and orderly election. A total of 399 candidates campaign 264 seats."In some constituencies, even five or six candidates competed for two seats.

At the end of the article, the new Hong Kong District Council members should play the role of the district council and should be "an example of acting in love and love of Hong Kong."

Hong Kong held six district parliamentary elections after returning in 1997.The lowest voting rate was 1999, only 35.82%.The district selection held during the anti -repair campaign in 2019 has a record of about 71%of the voting rate.The voting rate of 27.54%this year is the lowest level since the return.