(Bloomberg, Hong Kong) No. 35 villas at No. 35 Xiandao, a half -mountain mountain in Hong Kong, first spared to bomb during the war and escaped the wave of demolition in the 20th century. Today, this was built in 1925The second -level historical buildings that have been sold for the first time in the past few decades may be saved again due to the downturn in the Hong Kong property market.

Considering the potential re -development right, low -rise buildings are often demolished.However, the current demand for the property market in Hong Kong and the soaring mortgage interest rates have led to a small area such as Xianxian Road 35 such as Xianxian Road in Xiyingpan.Projects that can make money.

According to data from the first 11 months of the Hong Kong Land Registration Office, this year's house sales will reach the lowest level in history.House prices fell more than 20%from 2021 to nearly seven years.Analysts predict that house prices will continue to fall next year.The stock market investors are even more pessimistic. The new world development stock price of one of the four major real estate companies in Hong Kong fell to 20 years last Tuesday (December 5), and Sun Hung Kaishi was at the lowest level since 2009.

This is not good news for the owners of Xianxian Road 35.Last year, in order to promote the reconstruction of the city last year, the owners of the old buildings were more likely to force other shareholders to sell assets. Several owners at 35 Xianxian Road sold 77%of the ownership of the building last November, with a price of $ 18 million (2414 2414 (2414Wan Xinyuan).Potential buyers currently include hoping to change the building into a family office of a boutique hotel, and a real estate developer.

People also tend to renovate.A four -story building in the 1930s was renovated into a restaurant and cigar. After the restoration of another three -story building on the horse, it became a photography museum.