Hong Kong's Director of Law, Lin Dingguo, said that those who criticize the governance of the Hong Kong SAR Government should not worry and should not worry about violating the risk of the Hong Kong National Security Law.

According to the Hong Kong Sing Tao Daily, Lin Dingguo said at the dialogue of the Hong Kong Law Week on Friday (November 10) that Hong Kong's freedom of speech was guaranteed, but it was not possible to make remarks of split countries, restricting restrictionsThese remarks are "reasonable."

He said that protecting national security is not an exaggerated thing, just like "crossing the road cannot cross the red light", all for yourself.

Lin Dingguo said that every day there are people who criticize the governor of the Hong Kong government every day, including insufficient subsidies for fertility, too slow public house construction, etc., but people who criticize reasonable criticisms "will not worry or not to have Guoan will have Guoan.risk".

In response to the host, many people are concerned about violating the Hong Kong National Security Law and dare not express their ideas online.It is clearly defined, "I can't imagine that it will violate the National Security Law for no reason." If you have read the original text of the National Security Law of Hong Kong, I believe it is not difficult to understand where the so -called "red line" is.

In addition, in response to the issue of whether the judge will affect judicial independence, Lin Dingguo said that the system of designated judges is quite common and will not affect judicial independence.The designated judges who have tried national security cases will only be appointed from the current judges, and they will be tried from a group of special judges familiar with a specific category, rather than specifying a judge to trial a case.

In response to whether there are no jury in specific cases, he emphasized that the judge's judgment was not inferior to the jury, and the public knew whether the trial was fair as soon as possible.