The "Tongle Games", known as the global gay world, was held in Asia for the first time this year. However, this event was criticized by some of the establishment of the system as "sugar -coated poison" and may even violate the Hong Kong National Security Law.In this regard, the organizer of the event emphasized that the event has no political purposes, and the funds are mainly from sponsor.

Comprehensive Sing Tao Daily and the Internet media "Hong Kong 01" reported that Hong Kong will hold the 11th "Tongle Games" from November 3rd to 11th.This 40 -year -old comrades' international event was held in Asia for the first time this year.The sports meeting is expected to have 2,000 participants from 40 countries, and bring the economic benefits of 1 billion Hong Kong dollars (about $ 174 million).Ye Liu Shuyi, the convener of the Hong Kong Executive Council, will be the guest speakers.

However, multiple systems and conservative groups have criticized the sports meeting.He Junyao, a member of the Election Commission, said that the Tongle Games was packaged into a "sugar -coated poison" that was packaged into "tolerance, diversity, equality".He questioned the Games "the National Security issue involving adverse ideology", and criticized the relevant economic income to "dirty money, whether this 1 billion yuan should be."

He also accused the real purpose of the Games to promote the legalization of same -sex marriage, resist the constitution, laws and national security, and require the Hong Kong government to immediately ban the Games.

Hong Kong has also criticized the Hong Kong government's high -profile support activities by the Pakatan Rong Meifen, thinking that the event is not a general Games, but to promote the gay movement.She pointed out that most Hong Kong people maintain the "monogamous wife" marriage system and believe that the sports may tear the society.

The Democratic Construction Federation of the largest part of Hong Kong's largest parties in Hong Kong also read out a declaration of defending the traditional core value of the family at the Hong Kong government headquarters.Zhou Haoding, vice chairman and member of the Legislative Council of the Democratic Construction Federation, said that the Democratic Construction Federation respects all sexual orientation persons, but the sports meeting may shake the society's views on the marriage of one man and one woman.

Zhou Haoding said that Hong Kong's implementation of a monogamous wife system is not only recognized by the law, but also the core value of the family adhered by the citizens.Value, it turned out to be a personal choice that only belongs to the same -sex partner, which may change the structure and value of the entire society and have a profound impact on the entire Hong Kong society.

In response to the voice of questioning, Lin Minyi, co -chairman of the Hong Kong Tongle Games, said on Friday on the radio program that they are not political organizations, nor have political purposes, and will not regard the Tongle Games as a tool to fight for homosexual marriage.

She emphasized that they are registered groups in Hong Kong, and the source of funds is transparent. It holds about 3.2 million US dollars (about S $ 4.35 million) in this Games.

In addition, there are many conservatives and institutions criticizing Ye Liu Shuyi to participate in the Games, and also require Ye Liu Shuyi to resign from the position of the convener of the Executive Council.In this regard, Ye Liu Shuyi emphasized that she and the New Democratic Party have never promoted or approved the legalization of same -sex marriage.

She said, she did not see any reason to show that the convener of the Executive Council could not attend the Games. "The Chief Executive did not tell me not to go, and no one told me to give me a lecture.Members say something that makes the international community feel funny. "

Ye Liu Shuyi also countered He Junyao, saying that "if (Tongle Games) violates Guoan, the Guoan Department of the Police Department will do things, but what evidence do they have?"