Hong Kong and Macau's economic development after the crown disease is different.The first six months of the Hong Kong Government's fiscal year has recorded as high as HK $ 177.7 billion (about S $ 31.1 billion, the same below) fiscal deficit, and no dawn is still seen.In contrast, the Macau government is expected to resume surplus in public finances next year, and the official plans to pay for the qualified residents for the 17th consecutive year.

The economic situation of Hong Kong after the end of the epidemic is not ideal.The Hong Kong Government announced on Wednesday (November 1) that the temporary estimate of the total sales value of the retail industry in September this year was 31.8 billion Hong Kong dollars, an increase of 13%year -on -year, which was lower than the market expectations of 13.8%.

The Hong Kong Government's financial year from early April of this year to the end of March of the following year.According to data released by the Hong Kong Government on Tuesday, as of the end of September this year, Hong Kong's fiscal fiscal year was as high as HK $ 177.7 billion in the first six months.Officials said that the deficits as of September are mainly because the main income of salary tax and profit tax is mostly collected in the later period of fiscal year.

Macau, which is separated from Hong Kong, announced on Wednesday that it benefited from the recent Chinese National Day Golden Week holiday in the past. Passengers visited in Australia increased, driving Macau's gaming revenue in October four times year -on -year to $ 19.5 billion (about 33S $ 100 of 100 million, the same below), the most this year, and an increase of more than 30 % from September.Based on the first ten months of this year, Macau Gaming revenue was 148.4 billion yuan, an increase of more than three times the year.

The Chief Executive of Macau He Yicheng will issue a new fiscal budget on November 14. The Macau government's fiscal budget submitted to the Legislative Council on Wednesday pointed out that the business environment and employment market in Macau are continuously improved. The number of passengers this year has increased significantly.As the economic pillar industry, the tourism industry shows a strong momentum of recovery and is cautious and optimistic about the prospect of economic recovery.

According to this fiscal budget, compared to this year, the 35.6 billion Macau dollars will be allocated to fill the deficit. It is expected that public fiscal revenue next year will turn a loss to make a profit and record a surplus of about 1.2 billion yuan.

Since it is no longer a deficit budget next year, the Macau government will continue to implement a series of measures to benefit the people, including cash sharing plans, medical subsidy plans, residential unit electricity bill subsidy plans, sustainable reconciliation development plans, and returning vocational in Macau residents to 2022The tax is 60%, and the upper limit is 14,000 Macau. It is expected to spend a total expenditure of 8.514 billion yuan.If the fiscal budget is obtained, it will be Macau in the 17th year to send money to qualified residents.

Ma Haowen, Vice Chairman of Shide, who operates casinos in Macau, said that recent visitors to Australia have continued to increase, and he is confident in the prospects of Macau's business prospects.He said: "Macau has become a concert capital. Like watching performances in Las Vegas, you can choose to watch different concerts. The enthusiasm of the Macau government and industry promotion has been increasing."

Ma Haowen also said that there was a car event in Macau in November, and December was the Christmas holiday. I believe that Macau gambling revenue in December will reach the annual high.

Zhou Xian, a Hong Kong financial columnist Zhou Xian, said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that officials from Hong Kong's current government have rare officials from financial and economic origin and are not familiar with the economy. Moreover, the Hong Kong government has always said that the economy has been fighting for the economy in the past year, but still politics is still politically politically.It is mainly based on the launch of specific economic development policies, so that Hong Kong's economic development has not reached its ideal.

He analyzed that the leader of the Hong Kong economy has always been the financial industry. If the Hong Kong government must revitalize the economy, we must try to make finance. "However, financial must be risky to play.In fact, there are contradictions. "