The global crown disease epidemic has been popular in the world. Three Hong Kong epidemiological experts jointly wrote that crown disease will not be the last major epidemic, and new infectious diseases will come one after another.We must reflect on how to prepare every big popularity in the future.

Yuan Guoyong, a lecture professor at the Department of Microbiology of the University of Hong Kong, Long Zhenbang, Honorary Associate Professor Long Zhenbang, and Honorary Assistant Professor Zhao Yiyang on Wednesday (November 1), in the Ming Pao, pointed out that in addition to the coronary virus, influenza is the most popular.The source of the disease may be caused by the influenza virus derived from birds and pigs.

In order to prepare for the future popular, three scholars believe that high -quality scientific research, rapid adaptation plan, perfect public health and epidemiological supervision system.In order to connect with international organizations at all times, Hong Kong Generals established a major popular scientific research alliance with scholars in various places to find a source of potential diseases and track new infectious diseases.

The article mentioned that about 75%of the newly developed infectious diseases were caused by animal pathogens. It is necessary to predict the pathogens with great potential.Strategies to prevent problems.The article believes that patients with symptomatic diseases and diseases should be increased, especially the monitoring of microorganisms and diseases of unknown animals of diseases and unknown causes. Before the large -scale transmission of humans in the virus, active screening of the monitoring system through forestances or specific risk events starts the monitoring system.Viruses with great potential are more cost -effective.

The article pointed out that the place of contact with human and animals is a key monitoring field, especially high -risk places such as slaughterhouses, markets, farms or high -level biological safety laboratories.However, the supervision of the epidemiology of the market cannot be neglected, because viruses with wind and soil and great potential, such as avian influenza, crown disease, etc. are related to the market.

Another key monitoring is the entry mark. If the entry passengers have fever or related symptoms, especially when early early warning systems or information shows that when the country's suspected outbreak of mysterious diseases, they should quickly perform epidemiology.Supervisory to prevent the outbreak of the input case.

The article mentioned that the first two years of the crown disease in Hong Kong has never been sealed and the national testing can still be implemented.Forces, the results of resistance are worthy of recognition. Unfortunately, a large number of elderly and long -term patients questioned the effectiveness of the vaccine and did not seize the chance of vaccination gold, which caused nearly 10,000 elderly to be killed.Establishment of epidemic prevention measures to establish a hybrid immune barrier early, which can accelerate the restoration of competitiveness.