Liu Zexing, dean of the University of Hong Kong Li Jiacheng Medical College (referred to as Hong Kong University of Medicine), said that a series of measures to strengthen Hong Kong clinical research and trials proposed in the new policy report will help Hong Kong to become a medical innovation hubEssence

According to the Hong Kong Zhongtong News Agency on Thursday (October 26), the University of Hong Kong Medical College welcomes the Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao in a series of measures to strengthen the clinical research and trials of Hong Kong in a new policy report, such asEstablishing the Preparatory Office of the Hong Kong Drug and Medical Device Supervision and Management Center, the establishment of the Greater Bay Area International Pilot Institute in the Hepai Chuangke Cooperation Zone, the addition of network clinical research and support office, and set up a new "1+" mechanism in the current drug registration system.And cooperate with the medical development and long -term planning of the Metropolitan District and the Greater Bay Area.

Liu Zexing, Dean of the University of Hong Kong Medical College, said that these measures will help attract more drug development and clinical trials in Hong Kong and foreign countries in Hong Kong, helping Hong Kong to become a medical innovation hub.The medical scientific research team of the University of Hong Kong Medical Hospital hopes to actively participate in it and make contributions, and bring new hope for patients with sick patients by scientific research.

Liu Zexing said: "Hong Kong has excellent scientific researchers and rich scientific research experience, equipped with first -class medical facilities, and high -quality and honest experimental results, which has the superior condition of becoming the world's leading medical innovation hub.With the support of the policies of the policies, the University of Hong Kong Medical College will continue to cooperate with the government, enterprises and the world's top academic institutions to further promote the development and application of medical research and development in order to benefit the diseases of Hong Kong and the world.