Hong Kong's rule of law ranking in a survey by the US non -governmental organization has fallen, a spokesman of the Hong Kong government responded to this that Hong Kong's overall ranking has consistently high and leads some "from time to time to criticize the rule of law in Hong Kong unreasonable.European and American countries with human rights.

According to the Singao Daily of Hong Kong, the US non -governmental organization "The World Justice Project (WJP) announced the 2023 rule of law, and Hong Kong ranked 23rd among 124 countries and regions around the world., Fell one by one last year.

A spokesman for the Hong Kong Government on Wednesday (October 25) said that Hong Kong's score in the "order and security" category has increased compared with last year, and it continues to rank sixth in the world, which is enough to show that the Hong Kong National Security Law has maintained the order and the order of Hong Kong and the order and the order and order of Hong Kong and the order of Hong Kong.Safety plays an important role.

In other sub -items, a spokesman said that Hong Kong's score in the "integrity" category remained unchanged and ranked ninth in the world, proving that Hong Kong's anti -corruption achievements were widely recognized; Hong Kong was "basic rights" in "basic rights".The scores in categories have also increased compared with last year, and the global rankings have risen three places. In the category of "regulatory law enforcement" and "criminal justice", Hong Kong's scores are consistent with last year, and one and two are rising around the world.

A spokesman said that in fact, the overall score of Hong Kong (0.73) is the same as the global ranking of 20 to 22. For the slight decline in scores in some fields and slight adjustments in ranking positions, the Hong Kong government will continueExplain the work, "strengthen the correct understanding of the Hong Kong rule of law system around the world, and tell the story of Hong Kong."