It is reported that China will be at the time of a meeting meeting at the meeting meeting., Restore the ordering of Boeing passenger planes, ending the long -term state of Boeing in the Chinese market.

Bloomberg quoted people familiar with the matter report that China hopes to order Boeing as a signal that conveys relations between China and the United States.If an agreement is reached, this will be the first time in China to return to Boeing since the Boeing Passenger Aircraft accident in 2019.

China's last ordering Boeing aircraft was in November 2017. Boeing signed a sales agreement with China Aviation Equipment Group Corporation, including 260 737 series, 40 787 series and777 series aircraft, with a total value of more than $ 37 billion (S $ 50.32 billion).

After that, Boeing never announced any orders for selling products to Chinese passenger airlines.The granity in the Chinese market is not harvested, which also directly leads to the global Boeing's four consecutive years behind the old rival air passenger cars.

Diplomatic balance tool

Will China buy Boeing this time?Historical experience has proved that the behavior of purchasing aircraft in Chinese civil aviation cannot be affected by politics, and the timing of purchase is also particular.Whether it is Airbus or Boeing, the order of civil aviation planes often occurs in major diplomatic occasions.

In 1972 Nixon's visit to China, Jiang Zemin's visit to the United States in 1993, and in 1998, Clinton visited China, etc., all signed with Boeing's large orders.

In November 2017, the 300 large aircraft signed by Boeing and China Airlines Equipment Group was also signed by then when President Trump visited China.

But since 2018, Sino -US relations have become nervous, and Boeing has continued to suffer setbacks in China.In 2018 and 2019, the Boeing 737 MAX models occurred in a fatal crash in Indonesia and Ethiopia. China Civil Aviation took the lead in issuing flights in 2019, and it was not approved until January this year.

Last May, Boeing announced in China ’s largest customer, China Southern Airlines announced that more than 100 Boeing 737max was removed from the order.Two months later, the three major airlines in China bought 292 aircraft aircraft in one breath, becoming the largest aircraft order in the history of Chinese civil aviation, including 96 orders from China Southern Airlines.

In this regard, Boeing quickly issued a statement: As the largest US exporter in the United States with 50 years of cooperation with the Chinese aviation industry, geopolitical differences continue to restrict US aircraft exports, which is disappointing and urged "intergovernmental to carry out in the government.A effective dialogue. "

This year's high -level China -US high -level visits are frequently visited. The leaders of the two countries are about to meet in San Francisco. For Boeing, the biggest obstacle to the continued development in the Chinese market seems to be eliminated.

Boeing's 50-year special exhibition in ChinaLast Wednesday (November 8) opened at the China Civil Aviation Museum.(The official Weibo of Boeing)

Boeing's troubles

In the past few years, Boeing's trouble is not only lacking orders, but also that the delivery of China has also stagnated.

Bloomberg reported that China Airlines has not received the Boeing 737 MAX aircraft since March 2019. In the whole year last year, Boeing only delivered other models of other models to China.

The Wall Street Journal reported in September this year that Boeing has piled up 737 MAX aircraft produced for Chinese airlines.In the aircraft purchase mode, the conventional model is 20%down payment, and the end payment at the time of delivery is the largest amount.Without delivery, Boeing cannot receive the end, which greatly affects the company's operation.

At the same time, Boeing's factory in China has also stagnated.Boeing's Boeing 737 completion and delivery center is composed of two parts. One is the Boeing 737 completion center of Boeing 737, which is a joint venture between Boeing and China COMAC, and the other is the wholly -owned 737 delivery center of Boeing.

According to the Huaxia Times, this 40 -hectare center has stopped for a long time because there is no new aircraft delivery.

The report quoted a person close to Boeing and said: "Only by re -delivery, the completion and delivery center of Zhoushan can start operation.Change.Before the US Secretary of State Brills visited China in February, Dave Calhoun, chief executive of Boeing Boeing, said that when he was interviewed by the media, he hoped that Brinton's visit to China would help Boeing finally get new orders in China.

But until the end of August, the US Minister of Commerce Raymond visited China, and China still did not show signs of looseness.Reuters reported that at the press conference before leaving, Raymond said that she proposed to China that airlines refused to accept the issue of delivery of Boeing 737 MAX aircraft, but did not get any promise of China.

US Secretary of Commerce Raymond 8 Dorodo 8When visiting China monthly, a press conference was held at the Modification and Maintenance Factory of Shanghai Boeing Company.Two huge Boeing 737 passenger planes were parked behind her.(Reuters)

Shanghai Boeing is the last stop for Raymond to visit China.The Wall Street Journal said that Raymond was selected at the Shanghai Boeing Company to remind people to pay attention to the difficulties facing American companies.

In order to fight for the Chinese market, Boeing has also made no effort this year, including Liu Qing, who rarely puts the company's responsible government relations as the Chinese president.This appointment shows that Boeing pays more attention to government relations with the Chinese market.

At the same time, Stan Deal, the executive vice president of Boeing, President and CEO of Boeing Civil Aircraft Group, also visited China, met Song Zhiyong, director of the Civil Aviation Administration of China, and visited Xiamen "old customers" Xiamen.aviation.

Xia Xia, a Chinese President Xi Jinping personally participated in the establishment and start -up company during the deputy mayor in Xiamen.Xinhua News Agency described that Xi Jinping used to run for the support and support of the Central, Air Force and the Civil Aviation Administration for the sake of support and support. "The news of the passenger plane began to spread in the market with Raymond's visit to China.According to Bloomberg, Boeing's statement says that more than 95%of the China 737 MAX fleets have resumed operations.Boeing said that it has been prepared for supporting Chinese customers.

In March of this year, the Hong Kong Greater Bay Area Airlines announced that it would order 15 Boeing 737 MAX planes and five 787 dream planes.

Air China and Eastern Airlines also announced a plan to introduce Boeing aircraft.Air China disclosed in the semi -annual report that the second half of the year plans to introduce 12 Boeing 737 series, and to introduce 24 in 2024.China China Airlines also disclosed in the half -year report that the company plans to introduce two in the second half of this year and introduce 13 will be introduced next year.

The uncertainty of the big order

Although the opportunity of Boeing's sales in the Chinese market seems very large,Military sales for Taiwan are still a huge risk point.Boeing's subsidiary Boeing Defense is the "Slam-ER" remote defense zone of the United States sold to Taiwan's "Slam-ER" remote defense missile, "Kishiki Fish fork" missile, "Apache" attack helicopter, CH-47 transport helicopter and other military reserveProduction party.

The impact of political tension for multinational companies is difficult to escape, and as a multinational company that is closely related to national security, Boeing is more restrained.

If Boeing can make breakthroughs, it will have certain indicator significance.Even if Boeing's success in China is not enough to explain how much progress has improved Sino -US relations, it can boost the confidence of other multinational companies in the Chinese market, because this marks that as long as China and the United States have political determination, the differences between the two countries can be limited in specific fields.Normal economic trade can continue.