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Trafficking Children in China is a long -term existence (information picture)

A self -employed person in China reported the real name of a private person who traulted in a child to report a chain of "whitewashing" of a private hospital for illegally trafficking, which caused the health department to intervene in investigation.

"" For you, it is a problem of solving your birth certificate, but what we committed death ... "According to Chinese media reports, this statement is from the mouth of a private hospital in Xiangyang City, Hubei Province, China.At that time, a unannounced visitor pretended to be in Xiangyang Jianqiao Hospital for 96,000 yuan for a birth medical certificate issued by the hospital.

It is reported that this "real" birth permit " -and the" supporting "baby vaccine records and mothers' medical records may be used as sale babies to register.In the unannounced visit, Dean Ye, who bargained from undercover reporters, seems to be very clear about the nature of this criminal behavior.

This Monday (November 6), the Xiangyang City Health and Health Committee reported that the "Hubei Xiangyang Jianqiao Hospital President colludes with the Internet intermediary to use the Douyin platform to publicly sell the baby to sell the baby" issued by the media platformThe situation has been contacted to the public security department and the Health Supervision Bureau to intervene in the investigation.

One day later, the Xiangyang Health and Health Commission once again reported that the obstetrics and gynecology department of the hospital involved had been suspended and rectified, the relevant responsible persons had been controlled.

This fascination and forged identity incident seemed to be an entire chain. It is said that the folk people who are called "abducting volunteers" have been posted on social platforms for more than a year.

The reporter of the signature of "Shangguan Justice" on Weibo said in the post on November 6 that the president of Xiangyang Jianqiao Hospital "colluded the network intermediary" and sold the certificate and vaccine book for nearly 100,000 yuan.And publicly selling birth certificates on the Internet is to "wash" identity (obtaining legal identity) for babies sold.

According to the posts reported, the intermediaries involved claimed to help the children who adopted "adopted" to solve the hukou problem, and the buyer only needed to provide identity information and paid 96,000 yuan.The production process, the full set of "real" information such as the transmission and construction file, the inspection, the hospitalization, the delivery, and the discharge of the hospital, and the birth certificate is completed, the whole process is completed within 7 days.

In addition, the hospital can also provide the national version of the vaccine, which is "vaccine" for these children according to the new baby process.

In the post, the "adoption" of the "adoption" of the intermediary may actually refer to the baby sold — the text refers to Xiangyang Jianqiao Hospital to collect foot blood for the "buy" baby (China is in China.Newborn babies conducted standard procedures), and if "cannot take the child to the hospital to collect foot blood," need to be added 10,000 yuan, and the hospital arranges other babies to replace blood collection.

Shangguan Justice said that in September, he reported to two of the local police who had completed the settlement procedures for such babies, but the multiple network intermediaries of this gang were still active on social platforms and sold the birth certificate publicly on the social platform."No survey."

The post also pointed out that the dean also cooperated with the online intermediary to sell male and female baby, the price of more than 100,000, and the number was "amazing".

"If a college student who is pregnant does not want children, they can introduce them to them, and they help find buyers," the posts of Shangguan justice quoted offline intermediaries of the hospital.

Posts pointed out that the gang sold a baby girl in September and October this year, priced at 118,000 yuan and 140,000 yuan, and all successfully registered the account through this chain.

The reporter could not verify the authenticity of the information in the post independently. When the draft was interrupted, the Chinese police had not notified the incident except the above -mentioned health department notification.

In China, trafficking and trafficking infants and young children are a long -term problem. Those who are "particularly serious" can be sentenced to death, but they are also rich in profits. Therefore, related cases are often reported.

However, in a non -governmental identity for many years, the official justice who participated in the reporting and cracking down on children who traulted children said in an interview with Chinese media that the exposed incident involved a real medical certificate for the hospital."

He said that the "advertisements" of intermediaries on the Internet are often hidden behind some law -popular short videos.

"(others) have clear division of labor, and use the Douyin platform to publicly release relevant short videos, modeling 'customer', collusion inside and outside, and provide after -sales service for the child -involved children, so as to wash their identity to achieve the purpose of collecting money," Shangguan justice is in posts in posts in posts in postThe article says.

Public information shows that Xiangyang Jianqiao Hospital is registered in the form of a limited company, and the legal representative is Ye Youzhi.

Related reports were exposed, and the Chinese media reported that 55 -year -old Ye Youzhi was a gynecological doctor, who had been in the industry for decades -in 2010, she was sentenced to a gender termination of gender.The detention is 5 months, and Xiangyang Jianqiao Hospital, registered in 2017, has also been punished by administrative penalties for violations of laws and regulations.

The Southern Metropolis Daily website commented on Tuesday that if the report of Shangguan's justice is true, "an illegal criminal network has been called out, and Jianqiao Hospital is a" white "factory that involves illegal crimes involving infants and young children.

At present, there are very few official information about this matter, and it is impossible to judge whether the incident involves a wider criminal chain.

However, Shangguan justice wrote on a Weibo on Wednesday: "The bad things that Xiangyang Jianqiao did more than the news, worse in the news! Who is so many years for herObt then illegal acts to escort? "