Lai Qingde, a presidential candidate for the DPP ruling in Taiwan, threw out that mainland Chinese students should be incorporated into health insurance in accordance with foreign students, and it was reported that many DPP legislators were discussed to avoid the saying that Lai Qingde's statement was againstMainland supporters misunderstand.

According to the United Daily News, Lai Qingde often said in the DPP on Wednesday (November 8) that health insurance involves healthy human rights, and human rights have no borders.The Executive Yuan conducted a discussion.

It is reported that Lai Qingde's remarks caused the DPP legislators to discuss on the party group on Thursday (November 9th) in the morning of the party to avoid misunderstanding by Lai Qingde's statement.

The DPP Taichung legislator Lin Jingyi said on Wednesday night that Lai Qingde made the above statement when some people had a sense of insecurity for the mainland background, and it was really "scolded."

In response, the DPP New Taipei Party Committee Luo Zhizheng responded on the party group on Thursday, saying that mainland students should be included in health insurance compared to foreign students.This statement is easier to understand and accept.

The Democratic Progressive Party Kaohsiung legislator Qiu Yiying also expressed his consent to Luo Zhi's statement in the group, and said that there were no mainland students, "it was all foreign students."