The streets of Shanghai's "Magic Capital" Shanghai have emerged in a large number of people celebrating Western Halloween on the weekend.

From the photos circulating on social platforms such as Weibo and Xiaohongshu, the Shanghai Halloween activities are mainly concentrated in the area of ​​Julu Road, Fumin Road, and Changle Road in Huangpu District and Jing'an District, most of which are young people.Not only are they dressed as various ghosts in China and the West, they also play role -playing, which is commonly known as "cos" in Chinese online culture.

Last Friday (October 27), two people who dressed up for Halloween stood on the streets of Huangpu District, Shanghai to set up a good posture to take pictures of the public.(Agence France -Presse)
A man in Shanghai is dressed as Lu Xun, who is dressed as a "do not save the Chinese" brand.(Internet)

For example, someone is dressed as Lu Xun, who is a brand of "learning medicine and can't save Chinese", the concubine slave, singer Na Ying and Faye Wong, the host Xiao S, and the well -known sauce brand old godmotherFounder Tao Huabi et al.

Some people take the materials from the popular topics in China, including a man wearing a "stumble" Shanghai Stock Exchange Index trend chart, holding a big leeks, and some people wearing the words "Where are you expensive" T.Placing as Li Jiaqi, who has recently fallen into a controversial live broadcast ...

A man in Shanghai criticized the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index, holding a large leek in his right hand.(Internet)
Someone wears a T-shirt with a word "Where is expensive" on the streets of Shanghai and dressed as Li Jiaqi, who has recently been in a controversial live broadcast.(Internet)

Due to the outs of shapes, plus the spread of current affairs and online culture, various topics about Shanghai Halloween activities have exploded major social platforms for several days since last weekend.The reaction of polarization.

Netizen Big V

Some netizens believe that Halloween is a traditional festival in the West. "Chinese should not pass!" Some netizens have equal number of Halloween and Western culture. They criticize those who are carnival on the streets of Shanghai are "monsters.""I really don't understand, these festivals have been the same as true, the monsters and monsters are all, the penetration of Western culture is really everywhere!"

But some netizens have pointed out that resistance Halloween is a manifestation of culture and unconfident. "Some people will never understand that the core of Haipai culture is diversified, open, and inclusive."Some netizens teased: "After the Spring Festival abroad is cultural self -confidence, the domestic festival is a cultural invasion.

In addition to the general Internet users, the big V (Opinion Leader) on the Internet also commented on this.

"Emperor Bar Guanwei" posted that, in fact, the carnival of this petty bourgeoisie was not hurt. I just hope they can understand gratitude and who knows who provides them with such a stable environment.Emperor Bar Guanwei also stated in another post: "Those who use the so -called‘ Halloween ’... taking the opportunity to do some sensitive things, everyone is not visible, it is best to be a person."

Video circulated by China Network shows that some people are suspected of being taken away by the police for vulgar content of "COS".As for the specific details, the Chinese media did not clarify further.

The "Dian Ruo Kimu" with more than 5 million fans of Weibo fans commented that the so -called Halloween of Shanghai people has been far from the traditional Western Halloween.

He said: "Halloween in Shanghai has seized the element of" change "to his own play, which greatly exceeds the category of Western -style ghosts, and it becomes a tool for self -expression ...It can be ironic when becoming the Internet, and of course, it can be simply just for fun and good -looking, and finally it becomes a sub -cultural bombing street. "

木 说 <

Last weekend, a large number of people celebrating Halloween appeared in Julu Road in Jing'an District, Shanghai.(Internet)

Global Times former editor -in -chief Hu Xijin, who has always been able to grasp the official attitude, holds the same point of view.

He posted on Weibo on Weibo on Monday (October 30) and said: "Another Western Festival Halloween was given to 'Sinicization' by young Chinese people ... Although the identity of the dressor has some specious discussions,I'm not sure, but what about it? And, who dares to guarantee that this is not the beginning of Halloween Global mutation?Don't worry. "

Hu Xijin was suspected to be deleted, and it was not found on his Weibo page.Nevertheless, the screenshots are still circulating on the Internet, and the extended topic has also caused discussions on Weibo.As of 6:30 pm on Tuesday (October 31), the topic of "Hu Xijin Talking about Shanghai Halloween" has read more than 84 million times.

The former editor-in-chief of the Global Times Hu Xijin published a comment on Shanghai Halloween in the evening of Monday (October 30).(Internet)

According to the Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) Chinese website, Halloween is a festival that praises the autumn. From midnight on October 31st, the next day, the next day continues for a full day.

Halloween has been circulating to today's no religious superstition. It has become a child's holiday, and it is also a holiday for young people to dress up.Go to the appalling ghost atmosphere.

Although Halloween is not a traditional Chinese festival, some opinions believe that as China has continued to open the country in the past few decades, the increase in connections with the external world, coupled with the promotion of consumerism, the Chinese people who celebrate Halloween have continued to increase.Especially in front -line cities that are easy to contact with Western culture.

A citizen dressed as a Halloween ghost sitting on the streets of Shanghai.(Agence France -Presse)

Nevertheless, this does not mean that China encourages greatly to celebrate Halloween.

The Beijing News reported on October 30, 2014 that the Beijing public transport police reminded the public that on the eve of Halloween and the day, do not wear strange costumes to appear in the subway station and the carriage, because it can easily cause the masses to watch and cause unnecessary trouble.It is reported that the public security organs detention passengers will be detained in accordance with the law.

The Guangzhou Metro also posted a post on October 19 this year through the official WeChat account, reminding citizens not to turn on a horror makeup or dressing ghosts to take the subway, or to engage in behavior art in subway places, so as not to cause discomfort and panic to other passengers.

The Guangzhou Metro also called on those who turned thriller makeup to remove makeup before entering the subway."" Horror '' ‘blood stain’ makeup or dressed as “ghosts” and other thriller images, it is easy to cause discomfort or even panic of other passengers.

China's attitude towards Western festivals

In fact, disputes about the Chinese festival can be traced back to more than ten years ago, and many of them are related to one of the largest festivals in the West. reported on December 21, 2006 that 10 doctoral signed proposals from Peking University, Tsinghua University and other famous universities or scientific research units issued joint signature proposals, calling on netizens to be cautious to Christmas.

In the proposal of the "Christmas" issue in the initiative to get out of the cultural collective and unprepared cultural collectiveness, the doctors believe that the infiltration and expansion of the Western "soft power" in China is also Christmas.More and more important reasons for Chinese young people.Therefore, it is called on "Chinese people to pay attention to Christmas, get out of cultural collective unconsciousness, and stand up to the subjectivity of Chinese culture."

This kind of voices are not limited to the people.According to Xinhua News Agency, the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the General Office of the State Council issued opinions on the implementation of the development of the excellent traditional culture inheritance and development project in January 2017, requiring the implementation of the traditional Chinese festival rejuvenation project to enrich the Spring Festival, Lantern Festival, Qingming, Dragon Boat Festival, Qixi Festival in the Qixi Festival, Mid -Autumn Festival, Chongyang and other traditional holiday cultural connotations, forming new festival customs.

Subsequently, in February 2017, the China Government News Network published an article entitled by party members and cadres who should not pass the Western Festival, saying that the social impact of foreign festivals such as Ping An Night and Christmas has increased in China.Ethnic festivals are dwarfed.

The article believes that "the foreign festivals that have influence basically have religious backgrounds, which are part of religious beliefs ... Communist members and party cadres must establish a scientific worldview, do not believe in religion, superstition, unbelievable, and pseudo science.This is the minimum request."If the number of party members and cadres forgets the ancestors, how can the country be helped to heat up the festival?"

In December of the same year, Hengyang City, Hunan Province also issued a harsh notice of wording, asking the city's party members and cadres and relatives to not obey the Foreign Festival, or "participate in any religious activities with a western background."

In December 2018, many overseas media reports reported that Langfang City, Hebei Province issued a notice to require law enforcement officers to strengthen inspections and supervision, prohibit Christmas celebrations, and comprehensively ban the decorations and advertising of Christmas.Some overseas media also reported that a police station in Kunming, Yunnan Province issued a notice to warn the hotels, karaoke, Internet cafes, bars and other places to "prohibit hanging Christmas socks, wearing Christmas hats, placing Christmas trees and other Christmas -related activities.

However, Hu Xijin posted on Weibo at the time, emphasizing that Christmas was not officially resisted in China.He said: "In my memory, promoting Christmas has not been encouraged. But I have never heard of 'resistance' Christmas instructions. I don’t know where the policy basis of the" resistance 'Christmas "Come? "

Hu Xijin also showed photos of his parents celebrating Christmas at home and revealed that his parents were Christians.

Hu Xijin posted photos of his parents at home on Weibo on December 24, 2018.(Hu Xi entered Weibo)

BBC Chinese website in December 2018 quoted Ding Xueliang, a Chinese sociologist and a special professor at Shenzhen University that many young people only regarded Christmas as a chance to be carnival, not a religious festival.Therefore, Christmas should not be opposed to traditional Chinese festivals.

Ding Xueliang believes that the reason why some young people look more enthusiastic about the festival is that China's rapid development has led to "the disappearance of social and economic elements that support traditional Chinese festivals."He said: "It is difficult for young people to understand the traditional festivals built in traditional Chinese farming civilization."

Overall, so many years have passed. Whenever the festival is approaching, the shopping malls in major Chinese cities will still open up lights. Many of them will use this as a marketing opportunity to attract consumers.This also reflects that the official has never banned Western festivals.In the past few days, a large number of people in Shanghai have stepped on the street carnival to celebrate Halloween.

As for whether China should celebrate the Western festival, the opinions of all parties have always been different, and the official never stands out to clearly say "no", and the relevant disputes have never stopped.Western Festival.

Why can Shanghai Halloween resonate this time?Perhaps Ruomuyi gave the answer. He said on Weibo: "The surface of the Shanghai Halloween is a carnival, but behind the too many variables is a piece of injury in the hearts of ordinary people. FinallyTake it out of the days to vent and share.

I don't know how young people in Shanghai will spend Christmas at the end of this year?