Due to the outbreak of war in northern Myanmar, three schools in Sancho Town, Ruili City, Dehong Prefecture, Yunnan Province were suspended.

According to Jimomu News, a WeChat screenshot of the Sakamachi Middle School was circulated on the Internet from Saturday (October 28).The school informed that due to the war in the Myanmar Baseball, it was notified after investigating the Sumachi Government and the Ryli City Education and Sports Bureau that all students would take a fake adjustment.The notice also reminded teachers and classmates to find a bunker place to avoid when hearing the sound of guns, so as not to be accidentally injured.

The staff of Ruili City Education and Sports Bureau responded on Monday (October 30) in response to Jimu Journalists that the above notice is true.The staff said that due to the influence of overseas firefighters, the three schools in the main city of Sakachi were adjusted, and Mako -cho High School was included in it, and it was a fake adjustment on Monday and Tuesday.

Public information shows that Takacho Town is located in the west of Yunnan Province. It is southern in the southern part of the Dehong -Dai Ethnic Jingpo Autonomous Prefecture.

According to China CCTV News, on October 27, the Military Military bases of the Burmese Army in northern Myanmar and Gui, such as northern Myanmar, and other places were attacked and fired in the armed forces. The war was fierce.The attack was led by the Burmese Kokang National Democratic Allied Allied.

In the conflict of northern Myanmar in 2018, rocket bombs and flows fell into China. The conflict also killed three Chinese people in Myanmar.