Considering privacy and security risks, Canada Monday (October 30) announced that it is forbidden to use WeChat (WeChat) under the use of China Tencent on government equipment, as well as Russian anti -virus Software Casanki (Kaspersky).

According to Reuters, a report released by the Canadian Government Treasury Committee on the same day believes that WeChat and Kaspersky constitute "unacceptable risks" for privacy and security.

In order to ensure the security of government networks and data, the Ministry of Finance of Canada immediately issued the above ban to prohibit the use of WeChat and Kaspersky software provided by the government.

The Canadian Ministry of Finance stated that there is no evidence that the government's information has been leaked, but the method of collecting information of these applications makes it very large in access to mobile phone equipment content, so the risk of using these programs is also "obviously".

However, personal mobile phones are not affected by this ban.The Canadian government said in the announcement that whether to use WeChat and Kaspersky on its own mobile phones is a personal choice.

Kaspersky expressed surprise and disappointment about the ban on Canada, thinking that the Canadian government's decision was unreasonable, pointing out that the ban did not warn beforehand, and did not give the company the opportunity to solve the government's concerns.

The company said in a statement: "Since there is no evidence or a legitimate program to prove that these actions are reasonable, the prohibition decision is very unwilling.Instead of comprehensive assessment of Kabasky products and service integrity.

In February this year, the Canadian government also prohibited the use of Chinese short video sharing program Tiktok on government equipment.