Cai Chongxin, chairman of the board of directors of Alibaba Group, said that Alibaba wants to build the "most open cloud" in the AI ​​(artificial intelligence) era.

According to the China Securities Network report, Cai Chongxin said at the opening ceremony of the 2023 Yunqi Conference held on Tuesday (October 31) that with the rapid development of large artificial intelligence model technology, the era of intelligence is opening.Artificial intelligence will become a new type of productive forces in all walks of life and put forward higher requirements for computing power.

Cai Chongxin said, "We want to create the most open clouds in the AI ​​era." He said, from the underlying computing power to the artificial intelligence platform to model service, Alibaba increased its research and development investment, and promoted Alibaba Cloud to make comprehensive comprehensive comprehensive and comprehensively.Technical upgrade and innovation.

Cloud computing is an important infrastructure of the digital economy and the whole society. According to Cai Chongxin, 80%of the country's national technology companies and more than half of artificial intelligence model companies are currently running on Alibaba Cloud.

Cai Chongxin said: "Without opening, there is no ecology, and there is no future without ecology. At the same time, we must always climb the peak of technology."Open Qi"