Since Wednesday (November 1), the Beijing Provident Fund Loan will no longer consider commercial loans in the number of housing sets, that is, "recognize houses and do not recognize commercial loans."

According to the Beijing News, the Beijing Housing Provident Fund Management Center issued a notice on the standard of housing sets in the number of personal housing sets in the optimized housing provident fund personal housing loan on Tuesday (October 31).

Notice that in order to support residents' rigidity and improvement of housing needs, it reflects the fairness, mutual assistance, and inclusiveness of the provident fund system.Personal housing loans (hereinafter referred to as provident fund loans) have been optimized.

Among them, the borrowing applicant (including the common applicant, the same below) has no provident fund loan in Beijing and nationwide (including housing provident fund policy discount loan, the same below)Housing provident fund loan policy.

The borrowing applicant has a house in Beijing, or there is no housing in Beijing, but there is a provident fund loan record nationwide, or there is a house in Beijing and there is a provident fund loan nationwideRecorded, the two sets of housing provident fund loan policies are implemented.

If the borrowing applicant has two or more housing in Beijing or has used two or more provident fund loans across the country, no provident fund loan.

The notification will be implemented from November 1.The application for provident fund loans accepted after November 1 (inclusive) shall be implemented according to the adjustment of the post -adjustment policy.