Regarding the fluctuations in US dollar bonds, Vanke, a Chinese real estate business, responded that there was no problem with the company's fundamentals.

According to the Shanghai Securities Journal, Vanke Tuesday (October 31) stated on the investor communication and interaction platform that bonds are mainly caused by market emotional fluctuations.At the same time, the false guess of the company in the overseas market has caused the company's US dollar bond prices to fluctuate sharply at the end of last week.

Vanke said that at present, the company's finances are stable, and various funds and repayment arrangements are in order. The company has maintained its operating cash flow for 14 consecutive years.After covering the land price of new projects, it remains positive.

Vanke said that the company will pay close attention to market changes, actively strengthen communication with bond investors, assist investors to better understand the company's financial and operating conditions, and guide the return of market prices to a reasonable level.

Vanke US dollar bonds have recently fluctuated.On October 26, 5.35%of the bonds due in March 2024 fell 7.5 cents per 1 US dollar to 84 cents. In 2025, 3.15%of the bonds fell 9 cents to 59.2 cents.4.2%of USD bonds fell 7.3 to 77.2 cents.In terms of domestic debt, on October 31, "21 million family 02" fell more than 17%.