China announced that the cancellation of the cancellation of the cancellation of the cancellation on November 1Four years, commonly known as the "black code" entry and exit health declaration procedures.

According to the official website of the official website of the General Administration of Customs on Tuesday (October 31), according to the relevant provisions of the national border health quarantine law and implementation rules of the People's Republic of China, the General Administration of Customs decidedFrom time to time, immigration personnel are exempted from filling in the National People's Republic of China to go out/inbound health statement cards.

However, there are infectious diseases such as fever, cough, dyspnea, vomiting, diarrhea, rash, unknown subcutaneous hemorrhage, etc., or immigration personnel who have diagnosed infectious diseases must actively perform health to the customs.Declars and cooperate with the customs to do a good job in physical temperature testing, epidemic survey, medical examination, sampling testing and other health quarantine work.

The General Administration of Customs of China reminds that if there are concealment or evading quarantine, they will bear the corresponding legal liabilities; if they cause the spread of quarantine infectious diseases or serious and dangerous dissemination, they will bear the corresponding criminal liability.

In order to cope with the crown disease epidemic, China restarted the quarantine declaration system in January 2020. All port entry and exit personnel must fill in the entry and entry health card and declare a health state to the customs health quarantine department to obtain two -dimensional two -dimensional.Code (black code) can pass the level.