中国原总理李克强遗体将于星期四(11月On the 2nd) Fire, Tiananmen, Xinhuamen, the Great Hall of the People will be mourned in the lower half.

According to the China CCTV News client, Li Keqiang's body was escorted from Shanghai to Beijing from Shanghai on October 27 and will be cremated on Thursday in Beijing.

On the day of the cremation of the remains, Tiananmen, Xinhuamen, the Great Hall of the People, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the party committee and government of all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central GovernmentThe Chinese embassies and consulates abroad will be mourned in the second half.

Li Keqiang died in the early morning of Friday (October 27) At the age of 68, it was shocked by Chinese public opinion.

The announcement released by the Chinese official that night stated that Li Keqiang was "the outstanding party member of the Chinese government, the long -tested loyal communist warrior, the outstanding proletarian revolutionary, politicians, the outstanding leaders of the party and the country" "."This title is the same as Li Peng, the former Prime Minister who died in 2019.