Japan launched the Fukushima nuclear power plant nuclear treatment of water emissions on August 24 this year, aroused anti -Japanese emotions of the Chinese people.The Japanese Embassy in China disclosed that in the past two months, the embassy has received a cumulative number of harassment calls from China in China.

According to the Kyodo News Agency, the Japanese Embassy in China investigated the number of harassment calls from China based on call records.The survey showed that the second day of the nuclear treatment of water, the embassy received more than 40,000 links from Chinese harassment calls. The number of harassment calls gradually decreased until the end of August, but the current average daily average is still as high as 10,000 to 1 to 1 1,000 to 1 1,000 to 1 1,000 to 1 1,000 to 1.Fifteenth 000.

The embassy said that most of the harassment calls are fierce abuse or silent calls for Japan, and threatening remarks such as "blew (embassy)".The embassy has recorded some numbers with harassment phone calls for harassment, reporting to the Chinese public security department.

The Japanese Ambassador to China Dragloin Hidekus mentioned the matter in the Japan -China Relations Forum held in Beijing on the 20th of this month.