The Chinese ambassador to the European Union Fu Cong said that the EU's subsidy survey of Chinese electric vehicles was "improper and regrettable."measure.

Bloomberg News reported on Friday (October 27) that Fu Cong's above remarks were one of the strongest refutes made by the Chinese government's anti -subsidy investigation by the Chinese government so far.

Fu Cong said in a event held by Brussels, "It is not easy for the global green and low -carbon transformation to come. Therefore, unilateral protectionist measures must be avoided and rejected the global supply of global supply.The decoupling of the chain to avoid endangering global climate change cooperation."We need to pursue mutual benefit and win -win and resist protectionism. Only by doing this can we inject more positive energy and certainty into the struggle of climate change worldwide."

Bloomberg believes that the above remarks also markedAfter the European Union announced an anti -subsidy investigation of Chinese electric vehicles, the tone of Chinese officials changed.Earlier Chinese officials tone was "more constructive".

The European Union announced on September 13 that it will start an anti -subsidy survey of Chinese electric vehicles, which means that the European Union may levy anti -dumping and anti -subsidy taxes on electric vehicles from China.

A spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Commerce responded the next day that China ’s investigation on the EU stated that“ highly concerned and strong dissatisfaction ”, and stated that the EU's survey was based on the name of“ fair competition ”to protect its own industry in the name of“ fair competition ”to protect its own industry in the name of“ fair competition ”.It will seriously disturb and distort the global automotive industry chain supply chain, and will have a negative impact on China -Europe economic and trade relations.

The Ministry of Commerce of China responded again on October 4 that the relevant investigation lacks sufficient evidence support and does not meet the relevant rules of the WTO, so it expresses strong dissatisfaction with the investigation.