Former Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang on Friday (October 27)After his death in Shanghai in the early morning, Li Keqiang's former residence in Hefei, Anhui Province appeared in a constant stream of people to present flowers.The flowers are piled up with the outer wall, and the scene is like a sea of ​​flowers.

Social media "X" and photos and videos circulating on Weibo show that around the "Anhui Provincial Cultural and History Research Museum" on the 80th Hongxing Road, Huizhou Avenue, Hefei City, Anhui Province, a large number of people will appear on Friday nightSpontaneously present flowers to show mourning.There was the former residence of Li Keqiang's childhood and school.

Some people presented flowers in Li Keqiang's old residence outside the residence outside Li Keqiang.Later, bowed to care.(Screenshot of Weibo Video)

As of Saturday morning, the flowers were filled with the outer wall of the building, and the scene was like a sea of ​​flowers.

Many bouquets also wrote the words that remember Li Keqiang, praised him as the "Prime Minister of the People's Prime Minister", and wished him "go all the way, and the road juniors of the reform must inherit your legacy" and so on.There are also many cards with Li Keqiang's famous sayings, such as "the Yangtze River and the Yellow River will not flow backwards".

There are still people hanging out a banner at the scene, saying: "Mourning the people's good Prime Minister Li Keqiang", "Ke Qiang, the people of Hefei, will always miss you."