Former Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang died in the early morning of Friday (October 27), which caused a shock of Chinese and foreign public opinion.Li Keqiang's sudden death will affect China's political and social stability, and it will also become a topic of attention from the outside world.

Chinese official media released news at 8 am on October 27 that Li Keqiang recently rest in Shanghai. On October 26, due to sudden heart disease, full rescue was invalid.age.讣The postponed.

The official disclosed that Li Keqiang died due to sudden heart disease and died of full rescue, which was intended to show that Li Keqiang's death was very sudden and surprising.After the post was issued, it was shown that some officials were caught off guard.

The official prosecution is the conclusion of the coffin of the dead leader in politics.On Friday evening, the official prosecution was finally issued.The confession stated that Li Keqiang was an excellent party member of the Chinese government, a tested loyal communist warrior, an outstanding proletarian revolutionary, politician, and outstanding leaders of the party and the country.The evaluation is exactly the same.

Once the news of Li Keqiang's death was released, he quickly appeared on the Weibo hot search list, which shows that the news brought a shock to Chinese society.Shocking, regret, and nostalgia are the main emotions expressed by Chinese netizens to the death of Li Keqiang. Some netizens also hinted that Li Keqiang's death was related to his situation and mood, but this kind of speech was basically blocked.

The New York Times and the BBC (BBC) and other mainstream Western media also quickly reported the death of Li Keqiang, emphasizing that Li Keqiang was covered by the light ...

In addition, Chinese public opinion associated Li Keqiang's death with conspiracy theory, thinking that Li Keqiang's death was similar to the sudden death of the former general secretary of the Chinese Communist Party, Hu Yaobang, and the stability of Chinese political and social stability may be affected.

On April 15th of the year, Hu Yaobang, then member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China, died in Beijing.Hu Yaobang replaced Hua Guofeng as the chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in 1981, and served as the general secretary after the 12th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 1982.In January 1987, Hu Yaobang was accused by many veterans in the party for disposing of academic tide and objepering the bourgeois liberalization.After the 13th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 1987, Hu Yaobang was still elected as a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China, but he had no real power.

Because Hu Yaobang has enlightened thoughts and has a clear reputation in the folk, and has made great contributions to reform and opening up, his death has caused a strong rebound among intellectuals and young students.EssenceIn mid -to -late April of the same year, some students in Beijing and other places went to the streets to mourn Hu Yaobang and became the fuse of the incident in the same year.

Like Hu Yaobang and Hu Jintao, Li Keqiang has served as the main person in charge of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League of China.After the 1980s, the Communist Youth League system gradually rose in Chinese politics, and Hu Yaobang and Hu Jintao all appeared in the highest leadership positions.Li Keqiang was once regarded as a popular candidate of the Communist Party of China. However, after the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2007, Li Keqiang's ranking in the Standing Committee of the Politburo was lower than that of Chinese officials.After the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2012, Li Keqiang became No. 2 in the party and served as Prime Minister from March 2013 to March this year.

During Li Keqiang as the Prime Minister, China and Chinese officials gradually collected the party, government and military power through various leadership groups and special committees in order to change the water management situation of the Kowloon water management of the Hu Jintao era.Li Keqiang was gradually regarded by the outside world as a disadvantaged prime minister.

In 2022, the Communist Party of China was 20th, and Li Keqiang was elected as a member of the new Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, marking that he would completely withdraw from politics.In March of this year, Li Qiang selected Li Qiang as the Prime Minister of the State Council, and Li Keqiang disappeared from the public sight.

Like Hu Yaobang, Li Keqiang is also regarded by Chinese public opinion as an open -minded and affordable leader.After Li Keqiang's death, he was rumored to be on the Internet that he showed the people's remarks and images on various occasions. It is expected that mourning and missing Li Keqiang will become the main theme of Chinese public opinion these two days.

But unlike in the 1980s, there is no obvious dispute between reform and conservatives in the Communist Party of China. At present, young people in China are no longer concerned about politics as predecessors. They are more concerned about affairs related to their vital interests.EssenceAt the same time, after the official and political work of colleges and universities in recent years, it is difficult for college students to make a sound that is inconsistent with the official requirements.

Therefore, although Li Keqiang's sudden death caused great attention from Chinese and foreign public opinion, it is unlikely that this emergency is likely to affect the stability of Chinese politics and society as Hu Yaobang's death.