In the early morning of Friday (October 27) in Shanghai (October 27), on Friday (October 27) died in Shanghai and died in Shanghai.News Shocking public opinion, his videos and quotations during his lifetime were also reposted in large quantities.Interviewees analyzed that Li Keqiang's image was pragmatic and affordable in the past 10 years, but the substantive political influence was limited. The Chinese folk had deep regret for his mourning emotions.

China Central Television confirmed on Friday morning in the form of a newsletter that Li Keqiang had a sudden heart disease the day before, and after full rescue, he died in Shanghai at 0:10 am on Friday.

After the news came out, it shook Chinese public opinion. Many people left a message on social platforms to express shock and mourning, and bluntly said "too suddenly, incredible" "he is still so young."

Li Keqiang's articles, videos, and quotations have also been reposted in large quantities, and some people also live in the current site of "No. 80 Hongxing Road in Hefei City" and Dingyuan, Luzhou City, where Li Keqiang lived, and Dingyuan, Luzhou City.Li Keqiang's former residence of the county presented flowers to mourn.

Former Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang's death on October 27, some people went to Li Keqiang's former residence in Dingyuan County, Luzhou City, Anhui Province to mourn.(Agence France -Presse)

As of press time, the topic reading of Sina Weibo, which is "Comrade Li Keqiang's death", has been close to 2.2 billion.

and on overseas social platforms such as X (former Twitter), many netizens have questioned Li Keqiang's cause of death.There are also opinions that Chinese folks may be able to use Li Keqiang to express their dissatisfaction with the current economic issues such as economic downturn.

Lu Xi, assistant professor of the School of Public Policy of the National University of Singapore National University, pointed out in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that on his observation, there are many overseas netizens to look at Li Keqiang's death from a conspiracy theory;Li Keqiang's regret, as well as the self -introspection of the current situation.

He said that although the Chinese people do have been dissatisfied with many current internal affairs issues, Li Keqiang has not been active in the past five years. This image will not cause such a major historical history as Zhou Enlai died in 1976 or after Hu Yaobang's death in 1989.event.

Li Keqiang's ranking in the Standing Committee of the Politburo of the Communist Party of China from 2012 to 2022 is second only to the Chinese official of the General Secretary.Since he served as the Prime Minister in 2013, he advocated economic policies such as "no stimulus measures", "deleveraging", and "structural reform".

Li Keqiang (left) voted by the National People's Congress on March 15, 2013, and replaced Wen Jiabao (middle) as the Prime Minister of the State Council of the State Council.His party ranked second only to Chinese officials (right) in 10 years.(France -age archives photo)

But the outside world generally believes that after the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2017, the deepening of the reform plan of the party and state institutions announced in March of the following year, the revocation of many State Council institutions, formally collected the national power to the Party Central Committee and weakened the power of the State Council.

Zhang Zhizhong, dean of the School of Humanities and Socials, Taiwan, pointed out in an interview that since the beginning of the people's Daily in 2016, the articles about the issue of authoritative people talking about economic issues have not stopped.

However, he believes that Li Keqiang obeys the central government in general, but is more autonomous than other Standing Committee members of the Politburo.

Zhang Zhizhong said, because of this, when the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China vigorously promoted the "poverty alleviation" policy in 2020, Li Keqiang dared to say at the press conference of the two conferences that the annual income of 600 million people per month was only 1,000 yuan (about 188 (about 188Singapore) around.This also highlights the image of Li Keqiang and the pragmatic.

Lu Xi believes that in the term of five years in Li Keqiang, there is very little voice, but if it is rare, you can feel that "his biggest effort is to tell the truth."

As for the impact of "Li Keqiang Economics" on China, Zhang Zhizhong believes that the new government after the 20th CPC National Congress still adopts some of the policy trends proposed by Li Keqiang in the past, especially Li Keqiang's stability that Li Keqiang emphasized after the crown disease.Employment and stability of people's livelihood.

But Lu Xi pointed out that Li Keqiang's economic policies and claims such as Volkswagen entrepreneurship, public innovation, and college students' entrepreneurship proposed in the past have not been designed and left a lot of sequelae. Some sequelae are under the current economic situation. In the current economic situation, some sequelae are under the current economic situation.It is also obvious.

Therefore, he believes that Li Keqiang has no particularly eye -catching place in China's economic policy regulation.