Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Communist Party of China, emphasized that we must take the consciousness of the Chinese community of the Chinese nation as the main line of the Chinese Communist Party, strengthen and improve national work, and promote the high -quality development of the party's national work in the new era.

According to Xinhua News Agency, the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China conducted the ninth collective study on Friday (October 27) for the afternoon of the Chinese nation community.

Xi Jinping emphasized during the presidency that the consciousness of building the community of the Chinese nation is to guide the people of all ethnic groups to firmly establish the concept of community concept of rest, honor, disgrace, and co -foundation.It is necessary to consider the consciousness of the Chinese nation community as the main line of the Chinese Communist Party's ethnic work and the various tasks of the ethnic region, and promote the high -quality development of the party's national work in the new era.

Xi Jinping said that the CCP has always attached great importance to national problems and national work, and properly handle national relations.After the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, national work faces new situations and tasks.It is necessary to vigorously promote the unity of all ethnic groups and "condense the power for the construction of a strong country and the national rejuvenation"; we must fully realize the common prosperity and development of all ethnic groups, and "let the people of all ethnic groups share the great glory of the construction of a strong country and the national rejuvenation."

He proposed specifically that it is necessary to build a scientific and complete theoretical system of the Chinese nation community, strengthen discipline construction, deepen the study of the basic issues of the Chinese nation, and accelerate the formation of the Chinese autonomous Chinese community historical material system, the discourse system, and the discourse system, and the discourse system, andThe theoretical system; we must strengthen the theoretical and route policies and policies of the CCP for the people of all ethnic groups, strengthen the publicity and education of party history, history of New China, history of reform and opening up, history of socialist development, and the history of the development of the Chinese nation.

He also mentioned that it is necessary to implement the development project of excellent Chinese traditional culture inheritance, build and use the expression system of Chinese cultural characteristics, the spirit of the Chinese nation, and the image of the Chinese national image to enhance the Chinese culture identity of the people of all ethnic groups; at the same time, Comprehensively promote the popularization of the country's universal language, and comprehensively promote the use of national unified textbooks, "promoting the communication of the mind and the same destiny with language communication."

Xi Jinping also said that it is necessary to promote the flow of people's population flow, build a mutually embarrassing social structure and community environment, and create social conditions for people of all ethnic groups to live together, build sharing, and work together; improve improvementAs the starting point and end point of the economic and social development of the people's livelihood, the people's livelihood, and consolidating the people's hearts, promote the integration of the new development pattern and achieve high -quality development in the ethnic region.

He finally emphasized that it is necessary to declare the awareness of the community of the Chinese nation, to tell the story of the Chinese nation community, and to tell the reliable guarantee of the Chinese government's leadership and the socialist system.The nation is a community of destiny with a strong degree of recognition and cohesion, and it is clear that the correctness of the correct path of the right to solve national problems with Chinese characteristics has obvious superiority.