A roller coaster collision accident occurred in Shenzhen Happy Valley Scenic Area in China.

According to the daily economic news report, a number of netizens posted on the social platform on the evening of Friday (October 27), sayingEssence

At the same time, pictures circulating on social platforms show that the Shenzhen Hospital of the University of Hong Kong near the scenic area posted a notice, "Many people in the emergency room are being rescued."Consultation".

At 00 am on Saturday (28th), each reporter arrived at the Shenzhen Hospital of the University of Hong Kong and entered the ward of patients with treatment.On -site medical staff said that many patients who were injured in the Happy Valley Scenic Area were delivered to the area, but it was not clear about the specific situation.Since the time of visiting at the time was not the time for visiting, the reporter was asked to leave the ward.

The reporter found the window for the online passing notice at the emergency registration, but the notice had been withdrawn, and the staff said that the current emergency registration has been restored.

Shenzhen Happy Valley Weibo released on Friday at 23:00, saying that at about 18:27 on the same day, a vehicle collision in the "Snow Eagle" project in Shenzhen Happy Valley roller coaster, causing injuries to eight people.Going to the hospital for treatment, the situation is stable and there is no danger of life.

Happy Valley also said that the cause of the incident is being investigated. The equipment has stopped operation, and the scenic area will further conduct a comprehensive test of all equipment in the park.